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Ron Sodos

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 10:59 am    
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I have a strange problem. I own 2 steels that I use at gigs. One is a Zum and one is a Fessenden. Both have BL 710's. Whenever I bring the Zum to a gig the guys in the band(different bands) say the Zum doesn't sound as good (bright) as the Fessy. In fact I always have to turn the volume way up and the highs way up to get it even close to the Fessy. It still does not sound nearly as good as the Fessy. Anybody have any suggestions. This doesn't make sense to me at all since they both have the exact pickups. I know black steels sound better (the Zum is blonde, the Fessy is black) but this has me stumped?
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 12:30 pm    
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It may be how you have the pickup adjusted.
The 710's should be approx 3/16 from the strings.

I have them on my Franklin and they are a "loose' 3/16" and Mr Franklin says I have them set correctly.

However, I don't notice that the 710's are brighter than other pickups. I had 705's in it originally and other than more "string spacing" (definition) that is really the only difference.
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Mobile , AL
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 12:44 pm    
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this topic was recently discussed in great length and some good advice was given.
click here
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 1:56 pm    
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The Zum and the Fessy are two totally different steels with different voices...>they will never sound the same.
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Ron Sodos

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 3:06 pm    
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I read the post from Bobbe Seymour. I know a Fessy and a Zum will never sound the same. However, there is no reason why my Fessy should sound fabulous and when I play my $4000 Zum at a gig I am told to use my other steel cause the Zum sounds terrible. I have to turn my volume up 4 numbers and my highs to 10 and that is not enough. I put 2 BL 710's on the Zum and the same on my Fessy. The height of the pickups is perfect at 3/16" and the wiring is perfect. I refuse to use single coils because the hum is unbearable for me. So I am asking for advice. I am willing to try any pickup. So again....any advice????

[This message was edited by Ron Sodos on 16 November 2006 at 03:09 PM.]

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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 3:07 pm    
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I took the stock single-coil pickup off my Mullen 12-stringer and replaced it with a 12-1. It still sounds like my Mullen guitar, but without the hum.

Like Ricky said. The guitars are "voiced" differently. They are what they are.
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Mobile , AL
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 3:23 pm    
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If its a volume issue check to see if the pickup was installed properly.Sometimes solder can be interfering with another part of the switch.How does the C-6 side sound in comparison to the E-9th on the Zum and to the Fessy? Might be a problem in the E-9th pickup.
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 3:40 pm    
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My Zum is a bright sounding guitar, and my BL 712s are bright pickups, just as loud as any other. In fact, 712 on the Zum is too bright. So I would guess that something is wrong with your 710 on the Zum.

Is is a double neck Zum with 710 on both necks?

My 712s are very sensitive to loading by a high capacitance canble. In other words, a long cheap cable from the guitar does a lot more damage to the sound of a 712 (710) than to any other pickup. So be sure you use a good cable. You could even use a buffer amp, but that may be too bright with the 710.
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Dick Wood

Springtown Texas, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 4:31 pm    
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I noticed you said the guys in the band complain but is that what you hear?

Have you done a side by side comparison at home or some other quite place?

If you can,try an XR-16 and let us know what you think.

Good Luck.

[This message was edited by Dick Wood on 16 November 2006 at 04:32 PM.]

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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 4:44 pm    
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I can understand the overall tone being very different between the two guitars, but the treble issue really bothers me. The Zum should have a mellower sound, but not THAT mellow.

I agree with do they sound side by side TO YOU (using only one cable directly from the guitars to the amp). If there's still a huge difference, then, IMHO, the problem has to be in the guitar somewhere.
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 5:28 pm    
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Ron, it sure sounds like there's something wrong with the pickup or the pickup wiring in the Zum. It seems like there's something partially shorting the "hot" part of the pickup wiring. When there is a partial short, you lose a bit of volume and also you lose a lot of highs. Those two guitar shouldn't sound that radically different in tone and volume with the same pickup. I know the 2 guitars have a different character to them, but what you describe sounds much more like an electronic problem. I'd thoroughly check your wiring on the Zum and make sure that nothing is shorting out or touching metal where it shouldn't.

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Ron Sodos

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2006 9:45 am    
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I appreciate the advice. It seems that the problem is both necks. Maybe it is in the switch. I need to take the time and set both up side by side. I am probably going to try some other pickups. Thanx.
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2006 10:49 am    
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sounds to me like the inherent tone of the Zum is mellower and more "middy" than the Fessy, which I guess some people don't like (personally I would find it preferable).

But don't get locked into this "perfect" stuff regarding pickup height, etc. There is NO "perfect" height. 3/16 is a guideline, a base from which you adjust it to suit your taste. You may find closer or even *further* may get the tone you want; as far as output, if there's no difference in wiring and pickup height doesn't give you the punch, it's simply the fact that the guitars have different tone/resonance. It doesn't mean the Zum is bad - just that it's different. It may not fit what your band is looking for, though (although I've NEVER heard a modern steel that didn't have highs that needed to be tamed instead of boosted).

There are other ways around it - add a preamp with a parametric EQ so you can boost the signal AND the high-end. The Baggs Para Acoustic DI is designed as an acoustic instrument preamp, but it can really make up for overly intense or missing highs and midrange frequencies. If the wiring is all good, and after trying different pickup heights, that's the next thing I'd try.
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2006 11:59 am    
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Something's wrong on that Zum. When my Fessy got stolen I got a Zum. Any differences in tone were so subtle no one but me would notice. If you can't get enough treble on that Zum with any pickup and any amp, then there is something wrong. It may be a little more mellow than a Fessy, but it is not a dark guitar at all.

The 710 (or 712) was made to be used with a pot pedal without a matchbox or other active device. It is about the brightest pickup I have ever heard. Many consider it too bright with an active pedal like the Hilton. That's why Lawrence made the more mellow 910 (or 912).
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2006 12:21 pm    
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The Zum does make a nice platform for a very round, full, tone .....This does not mean that it will do what you say it's doing to your Zum .....Differences in the Zum and the Fessy yes, but certainly not THAT drastic .... It sounds more like an electronic problem to me ...Hope you get it fixed .... This is the first I've EVER heard of anybody not likeing the tone of their Zum !!...I've owned probably 15 different steels over the last 3 yrs , and the Zum is in the top 3 pedal steels that I have owned .... I will probably get another one ...Good luck finding the problem ...Jim
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2006 1:18 pm    
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I'm with Brad, it sounds like you have a wiring problem. With both pickups sounding dull, that's about the best bet. (I've never seen 2 bad pickups at one time on a steel!)
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T. C. Furlong

Lake County, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2006 6:45 am    
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How about measuring the DC resistance of the pickups? Both on the Zum and the Fessy. Assuming that all of the other variables are the same, a quick measurement would really tell the tale. Also, I use to have a Crap Trap pickup on my Zum and it was really bright. If all else fails Ron, I'll be glad to send mine to you to try. Zumsteels are wonderful guitars and there should be no reason you can't get it sounding great. Also, to eliminate one variable that I am sure you've thought about. Have you put new strings on? I only say that because I have let the dead string factor creep up on me in the past.
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2006 6:52 am    
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Check it without a volume pedal. It could be that the pedal is wired backwards or you are reversing the input outputs on the pedal. That can sure mellow out the tone. Of course if you are using the same pedal I would doubt if you were reversing the jacks on one guitar and and not the other.

[This message was edited by Jerry Roller on 20 November 2006 at 06:56 AM.]

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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2006 7:20 am    
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For what it's worth- before you go making a bunch of changes, you might simply measure the resistance of each neck of the two guitars to see if there is an obvious difference. Really easy to do with a $10 ohmmeter from Radio Shack using the guitar cable. The other thing that is easy to do to help understand if there actually is a wiring problem is, w/o removing the pickups, strings, etc- is simply attach some clip leads to the wires from the pickups (after unsoldering them from the switch/jack) and attach them to the cable going the the amp- (then turn the amp on)))~
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