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Author Topic:  Profex & Transtubefex ouestions
Richard Tipple

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2006 1:37 pm    
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I have been using my Profex2 with my NV112 but as of late, when I power up the Profex2 It takes a warmup period before I get full use of it ? The battery in it is old I mean old, like maybe 10 years. I check it often but I see no leakage of any kind,,,could the battery just simply be worn out without leaking ? Would this cause the delay when I power it up ? Maybe I should send it to Ken Fox & see whats going on.
In the mean time, I wanted to use my Transtubefex. Does anyone know Approx where the output setting should be set at to use with the NV112. I would need to run it through the effects send and return. I use the Black Box & dont really want anything between the Box & the amp input.
Thanks for any help
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2006 3:07 pm    
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Seen this one over and over! The battery will leak acid underneath the nearby 1 meg resistor. That causes a path of lower impedance than should be there and results in a very slow turn on period. I take these units and remove the circuit board completely, replace the 10K and the 1 meg resistors, as they both get a good acid bath! Then I get rid of the battery forever with the NVSRAM chip I sell (battery-less memory).

You also need to replace the battery in the Transtubefex ASAP. All I have seen lately are leaking!!!

A simple procedure for setting up the TTFEX in the loop would be:

-play the steel through the amp and note the volume level
-insert the TTFEX into the effects loop
-keep in mind the effect loop will drive the input harder than your steel would. I would use the volume pedal loop instead, if you are not already using it for a three wire volume pedal hook-up.
-Go to the global menu for settings volume and tone levels
-Set the output level of the TTFEX temporarily at "0"
-while playing the steel, turn up the input level on the TTFEX until the green input light is blinking
-turn the output up to get a similar volume level as you had with nothing in the effects loop

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 07 August 2006 at 04:08 PM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 07 August 2006 at 04:14 PM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 07 August 2006 at 04:14 PM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 07 August 2006 at 04:15 PM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 07 August 2006 at 04:29 PM.]

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Smiley Roberts


Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2006 11:06 pm    
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Trust me,Ken knows of what he speaketh. I had a battery go bad in a ProFex II. Ken replaced it w/ his "chip",& its been working fine ever since,& no mo batteries to worry 'bout.

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Tony Rankin

Land O’ Lakes, FL
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2006 4:14 pm    
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I agree with Smiley. When Ken speaks, listen!
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