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Mobile , AL
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2006 3:57 pm    
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I have one of the original 2 knob match-bros and was wondering if there was way of running the matchbro through the effects loop of the 112 with the ability to bypass the buffer on this unit.Or better yet have the ability to turn it off or on through the loop? Does this make sense??
thanks for any help you can give.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2006 3:08 am    
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The matchbro is designed to be connected directly to the guitar's pickup and the output to the volume pedal. I have one of the original Matchbro's that also has the tone control in the bypass position (there were two original models - one with the tone control and one without). In the bypass postion it acts like a Goodrich Matchbox unit (converts the signal to low impedence).

I've never tried it in an effects loop but you may run into signal level and impedence issues.

As far as a complete bypass, the original units do not have that feature. You would have to install an extra switch that would completely bypass it. Space is at a premium on the unit and there is one spot on the bottom that you could install a minature switch. I have thought about doing the bypass on mine many times but I used the space on mine for a power on/off switch (it is in series with the top input jack so that you have to have the guitar cord in the input jack and the switch "on" to have power and I can leave the guitar cord plugged in and just turn it off with the switch - comes in handy on stage as I can turn it off when I take a break).

Using it in the effects loop would be the same regardless of amp, not just the 112.

The only thing I can say is try it and see what the results are, it won't hurt the amp if you try it.
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Hugh Jackson


Dunn North Carolina
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2006 5:38 am    
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I run my super bro through the effects loop on the 112 sounds great. It has a much cleaner sound

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Mobile , AL
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2006 7:51 am    
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Thanks guys,
Jack, thats an option I might consider.I was hoping to be able to keep the match-bro in the loop left on in the dobro position and be able to turn the loop on only when I needed the dobro sound threrby keeping it out of the chain untill needed.I am using a hilton pedal and dont need both the buffer and the hilton.Just wondering if this method could be done.
thanks alot,
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Keith Cordell

San Diego
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2006 8:02 am    
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The Matchbro is designed to react to the pickup. It could work to a certain extent in the loop, but it won't give you the sound you'll get from running it after your pickup.
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