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Author Topic:  Digi-001 bass program ques.
Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2005 6:25 pm    
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My friend needs some info on the Digi-001 bass program. He wants to get it on ebay as the new 002 sells for over $1000. I see them bidding upwards from $350. Should he figure on spending around $400? Do these units hook up to a pc?
Thanks, Ron
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Mike Pace


Post  Posted 1 Nov 2005 1:59 pm    
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You are talking about the "Digi-001" interface for ProTools, made by Digidesign, correct?!? If so, I dont understand why your referring to it as a "bass program"..... it is a 8input x 8output interface for recording direct to the hard drive in either a PC or Mac using ProTools LE software, or Digital Performer, etc etc etc.....

The main difference between the 001 and the 002 is how the boxes "plug into" your computer. The 001 requires a PCI slot card, and a special cable to hook between the interface and the PCI~ IF THE PCI CARD AND CABLE ARE NOT INCLUDED, DO NOT BID!!!!! Digidesign will charge close to the same amount for the PCI card and cable as they do the whole package and the interface will be useless without them....

The 002 is a much more friendly setup, it uses a firewire cable instead of the PCI port.
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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2005 5:38 pm    
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As I said, the question was from my friend and he said bass. Anyway, I passed it along and thanks. What do non-steelers know!!!

Please close.

[This message was edited by Ron Victoria on 01 November 2005 at 05:58 PM.]

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Dave Boothroyd

Staffordshire Moorlands
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2005 2:16 am    
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I don't know if you are a Mac Person, but if so you need to know that G3 & G4 Macs have PCI slots, but G5s don't.
The vast majority of PCs have PCI slots.
Mike is absolutely right about needing the complete kit, including the Outside breakout box, the PCI card and the connecting cable.
You are also slightly pushed into the Pro-Tools camp, and there are people who do not find Pro Tools easy to use by comparison with Cubase, Sonar, Logic etc.
We are selling ours for around £200, so $350 is close.


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