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Gerald Menke


Stormville NY, USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 7:38 am    
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I suspect that the Super Twin Reverb I am using is in need of some new speakers. I am interested in hearing what 8 ohm 12" drivers you all might recommend as replacements. I don't want to spend 400 bucks on speakers (i.e. reconed JBLs) for an amp that I spent only 600 on, so I am thinking along the lines of either some reissue gold label Jensens (like we see in the new Twins and Deluxes).

I played through an FEI Twin at a rehearsal space that had some 80 watt Celestions in it, which sounded GREAT, but wouldn't I have to modify the amp (i.e. different transformer?) to run two 16 ohm drivers? (I thought that most if not all Celestions are rated at 16 ohms). I have also heard that the Harry Joyce drivers are really good, akin to the Fanes that came in Orange and Hiwatt amps. Maybe some of you all have heard them.

Thanks for reading my post, and for any recommendations you may have.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 7:40 am    
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See my post in the sale section. I have two ORIGINAL - not reconed JBL D120-F's for sale.
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 8:29 am    
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What Jack said...


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Gerald Menke


Stormville NY, USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 10:03 am    
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Dear Jack,

I appreciate your mentioning your speakers, but as nice as they "sound" I really don't want to spend that much on some new drivers.

Look forward to any other replies...
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 1:43 pm    
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Gerald, a couple of possibilities.

First, I like the old EV SRO speakers. The first, real early ones, were painted-white frames with an orange/silver label that reads "Model SRO/12". The later ones have a more modern cast-frame, a wider black magnet assembly with a silver label with black print, which says "Model SRO/12L". They both sound great for steel or jazz guitar to my ears, and they seem to turn up for $100 or less. Like a JBL, not for the faint of back in a Twin Reverb or Super Twin, however.

I have also used EV "Force" speakers. Not quite as clean as the heavy-duty modern speakers, but pretty good.

If you want a warmer sound, the Celestions make sense. I think some Celestions come in 8-ohm versions. For example, here is a link that advertises the 80-watt Celestions in 8 or 16 ohms:

I'm sure there are many sources for these.

I've played through old Fanes for guitar. I love them, but the good old ones seem to be getting harder to find than hens' teeth - wish I still had some. They had nice clarity but were still warm-sounding. I don't know if the currently produced Fanes are anything like the old ones. I haven't tried the Harry Joyce speakers.

[Edit: Silly me - the Fender Steel King speaker is 15", what was I thinking?

I just looked at this link provided by Tony Prior in another thread - lots of options: ]

I'm sure others will chime in.

[This message was edited by Dave Mudgett on 07 October 2005 at 08:39 AM.]

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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 6:30 pm    
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Go get a pair of the old blue label Fender speakers. That's what came in those Super Twins and they sound great. And they are cheap enough and common. Other than that, EV 12L's.
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2005 9:28 pm    
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Here's your link to Weber speakers:

Try the 12" California ceramics at $85 each. After they break in, they should sound like JBLs.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2005 12:16 pm    
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I say Blue label Fenders or re issue Jensens.. They will both sound sweet warm and gorgeous.. HOWEVER, I Think you'll need to watch how hard you push them.. ... Should be ok unless you really need to play loud ,in which case you'll need something that can handle the power without burning up.... bob
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2005 2:15 pm    
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Gerald, that amp has so much power, and so much tonal variation, that it will make any speaker sound great. Use whatever it available, as long as they're rated at least 150w each. That amp puts out serious power, and has staggering low-end capabilities!

Puny "D" series JBL's would be gone the first time you hit the boo-wah with the volume pedal down.
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David Spangler


Kerrville, TX USA
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2005 10:10 am    
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I recommend the Electro-Voice EVM-12L speakers. However, they are very heavy. Another alternative which will provide tone, efficiency, power-handling and less weight would be the Eminence Patriot/Red Coat Series. Here is a link:

Looks to me like the "Tonker" would be a good choice.

David Spangler
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David Doggett

Bawl'mer, MD (formerly of MS, Nawluns, Gnashville, Knocksville, Lost Angeles, Bahsten. and Philly)
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2005 12:15 pm    
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What Donny says is true, but you have to consider how you use the amp. I routinely use two JBL D130s for pedal steel with my Super Twin Reverb. The amp is rated 180 watts. Those speakers are safe up to about 60 watts each, for a total of 120 watts together. That is less than the amp output. But even if my amp is on 10, my volume pedal is never over half-way down when I attack notes - so that's maybe 90 watts the speakers see. The rest of the Super Twin's high power is used for sustain. So if you use your volume pedal conservatively, a steeler can get by with weaker speakers than a 6-stringer could use with the amp cranked up. This is also why a steeler can use a 100 or 135 watt Vibrasonic with a single 60 watt D130; whereas, a 6-stringer who used that amp cranked up past 6 could easily blow that speaker.

The voicing of the Super Twin to me sounds about the same as the other Twin family amps, and also my 70 watt Pro Reverb. So speakers that sound good with a Twin, Vibrasonic or Dual, sound about the same to me in a Super Twin, only louder of course.
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