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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2005 2:31 pm    
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I'm having a terrible time with my Steel King. When I first got it, I was able to dial in a great sound (with my Mullen) in a matter of minutes. So, I wrote the settings down on a little piece of paper. Well, a few days later I started messing with the controls and found some new settings that sound great. Different, but great. So I wrote them down on a little piece of paper. Some time later I started twisting knobs again and found some new settings that sound great. Wrote 'em down on a little piece of paper. Then I saw Buddy Emmons' settings and tried them out. They sound great. Wrote 'em down on a little piece of paper. It seems like every time I start messing with the knobs I find something else that sounds great. And I write 'em down on a little piece of paper. Now I've got all these little pieces of paper with settings that all sound great. Different, but great. I'm beginning to think that you can't get a bad sound out of this amp. I just can't figure out which settings I like the best.

And the reverb...I think I may retire my Lexicon. This amp has a great sounding reverb.

I love this amp. I just need to figure out what to do with all these little pieces of paper.

Lee, from South Texas
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Larry Robbins

Fort Edward, New York
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2005 2:48 pm    
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I'm with you,Lee!
I have had mine since Dec. and the more the speaker gets broke in the better it sounds!
Even though it sounds darn good right off the bat!

Sho~Buds,Fender Steelkings,Twins,Strats and Tele's, Tut Taylor

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Gary Lee Gimble

Fredericksburg, VA.
Post  Posted 9 Oct 2005 6:35 am    
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Lee, all your amp settings sound great but where? All in your practice room, live gigs, during a drop/rise in barometric readings, midst happy hour? Amp placement the same? Have you recorded yourself on a live gig yet to support your findings? Which setting do you feel will accommodate unplanned fors? Are you saying your FSK sounds good all the time where ever the venue will take you? Is your amp elevated, leaning back slightly, ever up against a carpeted wall, stuck in a corner with no breathing room? This past Friday's gig took us to a 10 by 12 stage in a 4000 square foot joint, The Austin Grill. Got those in Texas, AG & tiny stages? Anyway, my amp blew my right ear off, the provided sound crew didn't mic our amps for a standing room only crowd. I wasn't convinced the tone of my FSK was kicking excluding the first set, things got louder as the night progressed. An added debit to the evenings festivities was big time humidity, twas pouring rain that night. My hands on knowledge is as limited as my steel playing (excluding my banjo picken ), so I'm curious and thirsty for obtaining tone tweaking skills.
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