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Author Topic:  Got myself a Goodrich pedal today
Terje Larson


Rinkeby, SpÄnga, Sweden
Post  Posted 19 May 2005 10:11 am    
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I've used an Ernie Ball so far. Now I also have a Goodrich. The model is the regular 120, not the low profile one. I sorta regret that I didn't get the low profile one but what the hell, I need to sit down when I use it anyway so it makes very little difference.

The two pedals are different in a subtle way. The Good rich lets more treble through. This isn't necessary only a good thing since the really high notes can get pretty nasty if you're not careful. The Goodrich is easier to press on, not as much resistance. Again not necessarily a good thing but it feels nice to me. My foot rests more comfortably on the Goodrich.

The Ernie Ball is faster in going from "zero to enough", if you want to do fast volume swells. The Goodrich feels like it has more to give later on in the sweep. The Goodrich is uglier.

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