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Skip Keane


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 16 May 2005 4:34 pm    
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Well here I go, I recently got my original pickups redone because they needed it. When I hook them up I am not getting the volume they should be given me. They also are cracking, popping at times when run through my vintage amp. The amp sounds fine when I hook up a standard guitar, and my lap guitar with plenty of volume and no other noise. I rechecked the connections of the pickups and they seem fine. So what up??? Anyone got any ideas... Is there anyone in the Rhode Island or Mass., Ct. area that is good to check this thing out..and I think I could use some needed help.
thanks again,
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John Daugherty

Rolla, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 16 May 2005 5:04 pm    
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I suggest you check the connections again. Maybe the polarity is reversed. Does the pickup have a shielded cable? If so, the shield goes to the ground side of the 1/4" connector.
If there is a switch involved, you may have bent a contact or heated it to the point that it oxidized. Spray the switch with contact cleaner.
Also check the pickup height. Somewhere around 3/16" should work OK.
My best guess is: the ground(shield) wire path is broken somewhere. You can check that with an ohmmeter.
If everything checks OK, maybe you should contact the person who "re-did" the pickup.
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