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Author Topic:  Neat trick for a NV400
Mark Herrick

Bakersfield, CA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2004 5:32 pm    
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Recently I was experimenting with different speakers in a couple of amps. It really annoyed me that to swap speakers in my NV400 I had to completely remove the chassis because the speaker mounting studs didn't allow enough clearance between the transformer and the speaker frame to lift the speaker out.

So today I replaced the studs with 10-32 size "T" nuts. I had to ream out the holes slightly on the front side of the baffle so the nuts could be pressed in easily with a pair of vice grips. Now I just have to squirt the silver flange of the nut on the front of the baffle with some flat black paint so they don't show through the grille cloth and get eight 10-32 x 1 1/4" machine screws and I'll be in business again.


[This message was edited by Mark Herrick on 06 November 2004 at 05:38 PM.]

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