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Author Topic:  Signal distortion - profex II setup
Chris Collins


Oban, Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom
Post  Posted 29 Jun 2004 9:57 am    
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Here is my current setup:

MCI D10 steel with 705 pu's - goodrich l120 vol pedal - profex - dpc750 - 2xblackwiddow speakers. Apart from the speaker cables all other cables are the george L type.


I've noticed a couple of times some signal distortion (not just at high volume). I know its not the amp or speakers because i've had it when I wasn't using them. When the problem occurs there would appear to be a strong signal going to the input of the profex (judging by the volume) but the green indicator light is not on, it will do as I open the volume pedal further. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that yu have to open the volume pedal further than normal to get the light on but the overall volume seems louder.

I notice the problem especially when I use a patch which has compression as the first part of the chain, and is especially noticeable as the sound sustains and dies away.

I have had a look at the battery in the frofex and there is sign that it is beginning to leak ( a small amount of white residue on the battery only). There is no visable damage / contamination to any of the components within the profex unit except that the first 1cm if copper track comming from the -ve side of the battery is starting to discolour. I will replace the battery in a couple of days when a replacement arrives.

Would / could this result in the distortion I am getting?

I've checked all the cords and they seem ok.

Funny things is that on all occassions I,ve had this I've powered down, removed all the cables reinserted them , powered up again and all is OK.

Could there be a pickup/wiring problem that would cause these symptoms and If so how could I check this?

Incidently anyone have any suggestions what would be the best thing to clean up the copper track that has been affected by the battery? IPA maybe?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


ps. My gut feeling is that this problem originates Before the signal reaches the profex. What would be the effect if there were a short on either the pickup wiring or in one of the cords?

[This message was edited by Chris Collins on 29 June 2004 at 11:39 AM.]

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Jennings Ward


Edgewater, Florida, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 29 Jun 2004 11:46 am    
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The first thing you would notice is a loss of volume at a predetermined setting....My experienc is, batteries will cause all kinds of missleading symptoms. No end to problems. I eliminate them where possable. Reguards, Jennings

EMMONS D10 10-10 profex 2 deltafex ne1000 pv1000, pv 31 bd eq, +
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2004 6:37 am    
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The compressor on these unit is prone to "rocks in the tail". As it dies off there is a crackling sound. The compressor works best if the guitar goes directly into the Profex 2. You can set up an effects loops in the Profex 2 for the volume pedal. Basically a three wire hookup. It is a pain, a lot of patches have to be changed! An outboard compressor would be a lot easier, between the guitar and volume pedal.

I have had the batterys leak and take out muting transistors. The early signs were low volume at first, almost like the unit had to warm up.

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 30 June 2004 at 03:30 PM.]

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