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Author Topic:  Adjusting stiffness of Hilton pedal?
Bill Miller


Gaspe, Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2004 6:30 pm    
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I tried emailing Keith Hilton for instructions on how to adjust the stiffness of the action on my Hilton volume pedal but the email comes back as undeliverable. I find that increasingly common with companies...either they or their ISPs are installing software which is blocking a lot of their customer's legitimate email. Mullen is the same and it seems counterproductive to me. However, since I can't contact the manufacturer without racking up a huge phone bill can anyone tell me how to do the adjustment? My pedal action is sloppy....if it's set at a low volume and I happen to bump it with the side of my foot it drops too easily and I get a surge of unwanted volume. I saw a post recently about adjusting the clutch mechanism...apparently in some of the manuals this is explained but my has no mention if it. Anyone done this?

[This message was edited by Bill Miller on 02 March 2004 at 06:31 PM.]

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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2004 6:57 pm    
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Bill, Keith Hilton has been out of town actually playing a steel show in Iowa. He is now back at work. Please know that Keith provides customer support second to none.
I am not sure what you want the pedal to do but you can adjust the clutch so it will stay put with your foot off of it. I doubt if you want it stiff enough to withstand a "bump" though. If you will email me I will help you or if you call or email Keith I know he will help.
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2004 7:03 pm    
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Bill, thanks for using my volume pedal. There must be something wrong with your computer, or your internet service, because I am getting e-mails just fine. Just received one from Germany. I had no problem last week e-mailing Del Mullen. Let me try and answer your question: My pedal has only two moving parts--a spring and a piece of plastic. These two pieces make up the clutch system that holds the pedal in place when you remove your foot. The clutch has proved to be very reliable. The spring pulls back on the piece of plastic in a reverse cam action. If the aircraft lock nut holding the piece of plastic is to tight, this prevents the spring from pulling the plastic back. It is easily fixed. Just remove the two hinge bolts and take the two halfs of the pedal apart. Inside you will see the nut holding the plastic piece. Loosen this nut 3/4 of a turn. We lubricate the piece of plastic, at the factory, where the plastic moves on the top part of the pedal. If there is to much greese it makes the clutch less effective. Only a very slight bit of greese is needed. Try removing almost all of the greese with a rag and this will make your clutch less slick and more effective. Put the pedal back together making sure the hinge bolts are snug. Hope this information helps. Keith Hilton
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Bill Miller


Gaspe, Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2004 4:43 am    
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Thanks to both of you for the information, I will try this remedy. My frustration is not with the Hilton pedal which I've generally found to be an exemplary piece of equipment. I'm sure this simple adjustment will take care of the action.
Regarding the email issue, I used the email link directly from your website Keith, and it came back as undeliverable. I'm not talking about unanswered email, it won't go through. The same thing has happened with several emails I've sent to U.S. recipients in recent months...tried to contact Mullen several times for info by email, and a number of non-guitar related companies. All of my other email works fine. I'm pretty sure what's going in most cases is that anti-spam software (either at the ISP level or personal mail filtering software) is blocking email originating from smaller ISPs that it doesn't 'recognize'.
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