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Author Topic:  Peavey Amp Question
Robert Porri


Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 2:57 pm    
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I'm expecting delivery of my first PSG very soon. I've been playing guitar for many years, mostly electric, so have a few amp choices to try starting on. I may end up having to get one of the more recommended amps for steel, but I'm curious if anyone has experience trying a Peavey KB100. I'm thinking the power seems good, the 15" speaker could work well, and it also has a little horn (?I think?) for highs. Any thoughts about this amp?


Bob P.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 3:07 pm    
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Hey Bob. I once used a KB series amp, part of a club's backline. I had next to zero time to play with it to try to dial in a sound. It was a short set so I set it and let it be. Yes it had power and it was clean but I didn't much like it. Although it's not a real good argument, consider the fact that contrary to what would seem to be a good idea (the horn) for steel, you don't find it in any of the dedicated steel amps.
As I said, I didn't have the time to see if this amp could sound better for me so my experience is limited there. But I would not recommend it. (It may well be an excellent keyboard amp).
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 3:57 pm    
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I believe the KB-100 has been discontinued? Anyway, since you're a beginner, I humbly suggest you try something else. Most of the keyboard amps I've come across are heavy, bulky, rather flat-sounding affairs.

If you're just going to be using it for steel, I'd go with maybe a (modded) Session or a Nashville 400. It's the No. 1 steel amp, and for a very good's been proven to the task! (Plenty of good used ones out there.) If you want something that's usable for guitar, too, try a Fender Hot-Rod Deluxe, or a used S/F Twin Reverb. They've got less power than the 400, but have a great tone for straight, and an acceptable tone for steel.

I don't suggest beginners go "outside of the box" when buying equipment. Stay with what's tried and true.

[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 08 December 2003 at 10:06 AM.]

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2003 12:09 pm    
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I strongly suggest the new Nashville 112 or the Nashville 1000 if you require more power. If you play live with a band, I recommend the 1000. If you perform in a low volume application, I recommend the Nashville 112.

If you have questions concerning any Peavey product, feel free to contact me here at Peavey by calling toll free in North America. 1-877-732-8391.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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Robert Porri


Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2003 1:05 pm    
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I did pull the speaker out of my KB100 yesterday to check it out. I did a forum search for any mention of the KB100 and saw a few topics. I guess finding a used 15" Black Widow to replace what I have in there might be a low cost temporary possibility to improve the sound. I also have a Peavey Stereo Chorus 212 if anyone has thoughts on that being better than the KB100, or not.

One more question I have is about a volume pedal. I have an Ernie Ball volume pedal. I use it mono with my guitars usually but it is a stereo pedal. I don't know which model, but it says 25K OHM on it. Anyone familiar with this pedal and it's possible use for a PSG?

I appreciate the responses from all of you. I have also started searching ebay etc. for the amps you've recommended. Of course, until I actually get the guitar and hook it up I won't know how acceptable or dissappointed I'll be with what I have for now.
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