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Sigi Meissner

Duebendorf, Switzerland
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 1:06 pm    
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I have 2 Nashville 400. Recently I put them on the top of each other for a comparison

The first one has the serial Nr. SA-01532 652, has the black widow speaker.
The second one's serial Nr. is not legible anymore, has not the black widow speaker and seems to be the newer one.
The shape of the black
material which covers the speaker is also different from the first one. Also the colors of the controlers are different:
For exampe the pre gain and the post gain of the first one with the serial Nr is grey while
the controlers of the other one's are white and blue. But reversed are the colors of the equalisation: Blue and white
is shift and high of the older one, grey the controlers of the newer one.
Much more remarkable is the difference of the sound: The controlers of both amps in the same position the older one
is louder and has more hights.
question to the expersts: what kind of type is my newer one and why does the older one
sounds louder? Can anyone tell me what year they where built?
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 2:12 pm    
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I can't help you with info about the amps but don't forget one important thing----any amp will sound significantly different on the floor and at ear level. So make certain that you are doing an accurate comparison. Side by side will be much better than one on top of the other.
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2003 2:47 pm    
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Also.... one may have the "mod" in it while the other don't. That will make a great difference. It's hard to say nowadays.

As for the color of the knobs,I really don't think that can be used as a guide. I have a "Sessions 400","Profex II" and a "Nashville 400", I have swaped the knobs from one to the other for one reason or another.(like playing in a dimly lite place. I can see the reverb or other knobs better.)

And what John Light said.....

[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 07 December 2003 at 02:50 PM.]

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2003 8:35 am    
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That one amp sounds different from the other when the controls are set exactly the same really has little meaning. Most amp components have a 10% tolerance, and that can make a pretty big diffeence depending on where in the circuit that "different" component is. Couple that with the possibility of mods, different speakers, and age factors, and yeah...the same amp can sound much different! A much more revealing test is...can you make the amps sound the same by adjusting the controls?

Forget all those "numbers" you're used to seeing. Set each amp to get a good sound, and then just go on and play!
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2003 11:58 am    
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I agree with Donny's suggestions.
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