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Gene H. Brown


Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2003 8:06 pm    
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I've heard some guys saying they have played through a Hot Rod Deluxe, anyone out there in Steel Guitar Land playing through the Hot Rod Deville? Just wondering how the extra 20 watts of power would be on a small to medium size room? I would think they must have pretty close to the same sound, maybe a little different, but I wouldn't think much, what say you Amp Guru's?
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2003 4:09 am    
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Gene, Yes I do..

I have owned and played thru a HRDLX for many many years and did use it for Steel and Tele on some gigs but it has an unresolvable headroom issue for both Instruments especially with Fat Tele' chords and the C6th Steel neck.

A few months back I sold the HRDLX and stepped up to the 2x12 HR Deville. It's like night and day..No contest..Although I do use a Nashville 1000 on gigs where I have enough room for 2 amps I have no issues for a moderate room with the HR Deville for Steel.I use 1 amp many times on gigs and it's fine, even at above moderate volume.

My HR Deville is stock..the old Fender tubes, not even Groove Tubes..and the original Eminance Speakers.

I am a huge fan of this HR series and I think they are the best deal out there for used amps for guitar anyway..I am also considering the 4x10 amp and will buy one in a heartbeat if the deal is right and the amp is right..

I find the tone of the HR Deville very similar to the Twin I used to play thru..It is very bright but can be trimmed back with no problem whatsoever and the bottom end is strong. The typical and traditional Fender 12AX7 tone.

I am also wondering what a single 15 would sound like with this amp..I'm thinking pretty good...

I don't think you can get hurt getting one of these amps..they are extremely popular on the used marjket so turning it around would also not be an issue if you decided to unload it. I paid $400 for mine in #9 condition. These are selling everyday in the $400 to $450 range. And for comparison, I sold my HRDLX in #10 condition for $425..go figure...

good luck

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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2003 10:41 am    
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I've got a tweed 2-12 Blues DeVille - the one before the Hotrod series.Its pretty much the same amp without the extra stage of overdrive which I wouldn't use anyway.For a bit more headroom I had L.A. tube amp witchdoctor Bob Metzger put in 6550 power tubes and an extra transformer to heat them plus he installed a bias trim pot which the stock amps do not have for some reason. With these mods and the stock speakers,I now have a killer country/blues/rock guitar amp plus it sounds good for my Stringmaster in an old fashioned "Joaquin Murphey 50s tube amp stressed to the limit" kind of way. I find it still will not hold up to nightclub volumes with my U-12 w/the clarity and bottom end I need to hear. I wouldn't trade it for anything though - it' a great amp.
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Post  Posted 5 Dec 2003 12:09 pm    
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I had a HR DeVille 4x10 and used it for steel. It's a good clean, loud amp. 60watts. It had plenty of headroom for what I play. Actually I rarely turned up past about 3! I wasn't happy with the tone controls for steel and often used external EQ to compensate. I just got bugged by the weight so sold it recently and got the Peavey Nash 112 for steel. I may regret it because it was a nice guitar amp!.

Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"

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