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Post  Posted 15 Oct 2003 11:50 am    
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Mike, Could you please tell me what the recommended retail price is for the Nashville 112 and the Nashville 1000?

In addition, I would like to know if the Nashville 1000 is available for export(220 volts).

Lastly, what is the Nashville 100? Is this an amp for pedal steel?

Thanks .

Peter den Hartogh-Fender Artist S10-Remington U12-Hilton Volume Pedal-Gibson BR4 lapsteel-Guya "Stringmaster" Copy-MusicMan112RP-Peavy Rage158- - My Animation College in South Africa

Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 5:20 am    
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Hello Peter,
The U.S. MSRP of the Nashville 112 is $599.99 and the Nashville 1000 is $999.99. Covers are available for both models.

The Nashville 100 was shown at the 2002 St. Louis Steel Guitar Convention, but was later renamed the Nashville 112 as many of the attendees of the convention didn't notice that it was "not" a 1000. Quickly glancing at the amp made one think that it was a Nashville 1000 amp as both the 112 and 1000 look identical upon first glance. So, I changed the name to the "112" since the speaker was a 12" anyway. We also reduced the wattage on the present version to 80 watts. The first version was 100 watts.

An export version of the Nashville 1000 is not available due to the high safety certification expenses that allow us to sell the amp in foreign countries. High expenses, small return. However, the Nashville 112 will ship to overseas ports as it uses an existing CE(overseas safety requirement) approved power supply.

The Peavey distributor in your country is;
Tuerk Musik Technologies
P.O. Box 1016
Randburg 2125

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation

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Niklas Widen


Uppsala, Sweden
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 6:19 am    
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Who should I turn to here in Sweden if I would like to get hold of a Nashville 112?

/Nicke Widén
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 10:18 am    
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Niklas, I recommend that you contact Mr. Josefson at the following company;
Svensk Music
Klangsfaergsgatan 8
412 52 Vaestra Froelunda

Please understand that it's unlikely that any Nashville 112's have been distributed in your country at this time as we just began manufacturing the export version. I recommend that you inquire with the above distributor.

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