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Larry Clark


Herndon, VA.
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2003 5:44 pm    
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I worked for a Musicman amp dealer in the MD/VA area from "74" through "87". I recall we had a little demo piece about the size of a lunch box to show how the Musicman amps were made. In a couple of your posts you stated that the cabinets were made out of 3/4 plywood but I seem to remember that the little demo boxes were 3/4 clear pine with a plywood baffle. Did Musicman change their materials at some point or is my memory failing? I've got a mint 65-112 sitting here but I'm not about to peel back the vinyl to check! Maybe we met during a rep visit, If so, Hi again. Sorry to take up forum space with this but I don't know your E-mail.
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 2 Sep 2003 7:34 pm    
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You are correct.I have two of those little demo cabinets you speak of and yes they were pine,I'm sorry for the mixup.

Who did you work for Veneman Music? and there was another dealer in your area. The rep for
your area was Tom Miller,My memory fails me but I do remember calling on Veneman (Koob) and Ted,,Not Chuck Levin,Chuck is a fine guy but was not a Music Man account. When Tom left I inherited his area,but a short time later,Leo
Fender opened G&L and Musicman was history.

Sorry for the mis information. That 112-65 is a great little amp,dont sell it.It was the last of Leo Fenders designs along with the late Tom Walker.

This is what happens when you get old
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Larry Clark


Herndon, VA.
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2003 8:34 pm    
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Hi Jody, Thanks for clearing that up. I thought my memory was failing me. Yes I worked at Venemans for those years and sold a lot of Musicman amps. Rarely had them come back in for service. I bought my 65-112 new in "76" and have never even had to replace a fuse,though I sure it might be getting time for a "cap job". If your not aware, Chuck Levin passed on about a year ago.
Thanks, Larry
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 3 Sep 2003 11:16 am    
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Quote Larry.....

Chuck Levin passed on about a year ago.

Larry I was not aware of this,,I havent been in touch with anyone since those days.

You are a fine salesman and you should have been one of us Guys at Fender and MusicMan
I guess in a way you were

You were also right,the cabinet is constructed of "Ponderosa Pine" and the baffle board is 3/4 marine plywoood. Best contructed amp I have ever seen.It was a shock when Leo closed the doors.

Tom Walker who was Leo's partner at MusicMan
passed away two weeks ago.

Have you heard anything of Tom Millers whereabouts?

I know Ted and Koob sold out to Guitar Center
but I was not aware of Chuck passing on.
I guess Alan and Marge are running the store.

Im afraid to call anyone from back then,,most all of them are gone.

Thanks for the info and thanks for selling all those MusicMan amps. If you need parts for your amp,I may be able to help you.

Be well and Thanks for your nice comments.

PS,,I still have a 212 HD150 W Alec Lansings
and a 410 HD 150 with 4 10" EV Speakers,the covering is in white pinwale and the 212 is covered in the black tolex and they are killer amps ..need any help let me know,If I can I will help you.

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