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Author Topic:  Anyone know how to contact Boss?
Mike Harmon


Overland, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 27 May 2003 12:56 pm    
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I've been thinking about buying an older Boss analog bass chorus pedal (CE-2B), but the one I'm looking at has no user's manual.

I went to Boss's (Roland) web site, and there is almost NO info there regarding anything older than the current stompbox models. I can't find a "support" page on their site at all. Surely a company like Boss has a manual download site out there SOMEWHERE! I can't even find a PHONE NUMBER for those folks!

Can anyone give me a hand?


Mike Harmon
Fulawka S10 3 & 5, Les Paul Classic, ES-335, Guild X-170 Manhattan, Peavey Dyna Bass, (2) Nashville 400, TKO-115
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Mike Sweeney

Post  Posted 27 May 2003 2:20 pm    
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When you get them on the phone, ask them when they are going to come to their sences and make the RV-3 again.

Mike Sweeney
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Wayne Brown

Bassano, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 27 May 2003 2:50 pm    
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good luck ...your gonna need it trying to get ahold of them

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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 27 May 2003 3:48 pm    
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You'd have better luck posting a request for a copy of the manual, maybe on a Bass forum.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 27 May 2003 6:53 pm    
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It took me 6 months just to get in contact with them and locate an input jack for my DR-5! Very hard to get support. I called Roland in California.
I just searched Roland US for the last ten minutes, no links to manuals and I could not even find the phone number!
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 28 May 2003 2:33 am    
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Mike , considering that Boss ( Roland) has many many old items it really is not possible or feasible to have all the manuals available for download. Now answering the phone, thats a different issue.

If you do a search for effects manuals or the exact effect you have you may run across a few websites where they offer the manual you are looking for at a small price.

DRUM machines are in the same catagory. Example BOSS DR 550 or DR 550 MKII. Roland soes not offer a free download anymore.

I did run across a few websites where they sell the maunals for pretty much all drum machines and other items as well..

Remember, Boss is in the business to sell new stuff..not give away manuals for the old's a drag for sure...but they should answer the least..then they will tell you they don't offer it anymore !

I have come to realize that when I buy stuff like effects and electronics off of EBAY and sorts, the manuals must be included or I am sale...In same cases the manuals are worth more than the item !

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Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 28 May 2003 6:55 am    
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I don't know about Boss products, but I've had to order parts for our Roland V-drums a couple of times recently, and have had good service. The phone number I use is 323-890-3700, and go to customer service in the menu. I had very short hold times everytime I called. They should be able to help with Boss products also.

I recently ordered some parts for an old Polytone amp, now there's a different story. I tried several times a day for a week before I could even get anyone to answer the phone. Then it took about a month for them to get the parts shipped out.

Darvin Willhoite
Riva Ridge Recording
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