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Author Topic:  JBL cabinets built to JBL specs
Gary Steele


Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 17 Mar 2003 7:03 am    
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I built my cabinets just exactly like JBL says with the closed back and the port which is about a 5 inch port and i made them the exact inside measurements and all. I'm just not sure about how to set them weather they should be set on the floor or on a stand or whatever. I dont know if the open back cabinets would be better or what. I usully set them on the floor but does that naturally add bass even to a closed speaker? Has anyone built a set like this to JBL specs. They are small but a little bit spunky. I built them out of 3/4 Medium density fiber board and put a 1 inch baffle. That not so bad because the baffle is cut out for the speaker and dont add much weight. But it made it strong as a tank. You guys and gals that have tried all these different speaker designs,What do you like best. I cant hardly ever get the right tone when i play out in different buildings. I'm starting to think i dont really understand all the EQ on these preamps and how to adjust to compensate. Plus trying to do this in 60 seconds on stage is nerve racking. Can you'All see i really need help ha ha LOL.
Thanks, Gary
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2003 6:23 am    
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Get yourself an multiband equalizer and give yourself time to setup...When you're playing to an empty house, your rig will sound different than when it's full..People will muffle your tone to a degree...You will need to increase the highs to cut thru...When the place thins out, you can cut down on them..Get monitors for the band...You will hear EXACTLY what goes out to the audience...They are a MUST for any band who want's to hear what they sound like..Without good monitors, or a good sound man,or someone who knows tone, your tone, and your band, will NEVER sound up to it's potential....Jim
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