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Author Topic:  Nashville 1000's Sounding Great
David Farlow


Post  Posted 23 Jan 2003 5:50 pm    
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I had purchased two Nashville 1000 amps off of the Forum that were basicly new and barely used but they both had a static noise.
No adjustments seemed to help this constant noise. I posted the problem on the Forum and Mike Brown responded. He had me send in the electronics to their Peavey Service Center. I just got the second one back and now both of these Nashvilles are sounding great. No more static noise, very quiet. Although these amps were basicly new, I was not the original owner. So for Peavey to take both amps and fix them at no charge, repairs and shipping them back to me in a very timely manner, is just service above and beyond what most manufacturers out there will do. Thanks to Mike Brown and the Peavey Service Center people for their Great product and service.


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Eddie Malray


South Fulton, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2003 2:53 pm    
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David: I can beat that. I bought a New Session 400 in 1979 and it has a little static that would come and go. I was'nt bad but after a year it started to get to me. I contacted Peavey and told the about it after the warranty had been a long time out. They told me to ship it to them a they would fix it. In about three days I got a call from the bus station informing me I had a Package there. When I opened it, there was a Peavey chassis and a letter that stated they could'nt locate the problem so they were sending me a new amp---freight paid. I could'nt believe it. Thats service above and beyound. Eddie Malray
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David Farlow


Post  Posted 24 Jan 2003 5:29 pm    
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Hi Eddie. Man, sounds like you really were treated well by the Peavey folks. So many products that I have bought over the last several years have not lasted long at all. Then try and get the seller or manufacturer to back it, a real joke, but not funny. A couple of times was able to send something in for repairs but when it would come back, it would still have the same problem. No body or company is perfect but seems like Mike Brown and Peavey really work hard to earn your business. Now, what can I send in and get a new replacement for at no charge???


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