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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 3:31 am    
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This is probably on here somewhere, but what are the frequency charactaristics on a 7-10? Are the mids cut in them and if so are they much different than an Emmons other than the obvious single coil/double coil difference? Just wondering as far as setting an amp. If the mids are already dipped out then you wouldn't have to cut them as much on the amp.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Glenn Austin


Montreal, Canada
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 8:47 am    
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When switching from the Emmons s/c to the 710, I had to lower the treble, and raise the mids a couple of notches on the amp. A 710 is a very bright trebly sounding p/u, whereas the Emmons single has some more meat in the lo mid - hi mid. I think that the Emmons pickup sound has a lot to do with how many turns of wire they are wound with, so it's kind of like comparing apples to oranges. I'm not knocked out by the 710, but it is very quiet. I'm curious about the Lawrence XR16 pickup, but I haven't tried one yet. I've also been reading the rave reviews on Jerry Wallace's Trutone P/Us, so who knows.

Maybe if I had a Fender Twin... yeah yeah that's the ticket...
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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 5:27 pm    
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I am running through a twin and that's why I was wondering. If the push is to drop the mids, am I taking to much out with 7-10's in my guitar or are the mid's already gone or reduced?

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Jeff Peterson


Nashville, TN USA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 5:56 pm    
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The BL 710's are a full range pickup. You had to cut your highs because you're hearing the highs that were always there, but not represented with the pickup you had. No frequency is antennuated on the hear exactly what your guitar sounds like. If you had to boost your mids, it is because your guitar is mid weak. The LXR-16, by DESIGN, antennuates the upper mids/lower highs, thereby reducing the 'harshness' some experience(read non-Emmons/ShoBud) in the sound they get. The 910 is a completely different design, sidewinder, and is a full range pickup but with slightly lower output/less 'peaky' so it reads as if the highs are antennuated. This pickup was designed for Zum, JCH, Derby, Fessenden and like that. I've found that very few guitars,(there are some exceptions), aside from Emmons or ShoBud can stand up to 710's as they reveal your guitar's whole output/tone/warmth/character. Lloyd is the perfect example of this using a ShoBud. Many examples out there for Emmons.
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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 10:45 pm    
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What Jeff just said is exactly the reason why I have 710's in both my Sho-Buds. They reveal the guitar.
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