Ron Randall
From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Posted 31 Dec 2002 2:42 pm
Foolin' around one day and stumbled on to a simple solution in the quest for tone.
The PX-300 is a powered speaker cab. 15" BW, 300 watt power amp.
The Peavey VMP-2 is an older class A tube pre-amp with 2 channels. Each channel has gain, bass, treble.
Steel>Goodrich L120>>Channels 1 and 2 VMP-2>>PX300.
I drive both channels from the volume pedal.
One channel with lots of bass boost and all the treble cut. The other channel with no EQ. I can change the gains to mix the channels.
Combine the outs with a Y, and go to the PX300 powered speaker.
Guitar, volume pedal, tube pre-amp, Peavey poweramp and BW. Pure as the driven snow!
Fender Stringmaster T-8
Fender Custom D-8
8 string Benoit
Peavey Amps