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Author Topic:  Bad Pot?
John Lacey


Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2002 9:17 am    
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No, not paraquat-laden, Clarostat I mean. I've been having some bad experience with Clarostat pots, both in my Goodrich L120 and in Bob Blair's 120 and with a bit of research I've found out that I'm not the only one. Jay Dee Maness has mentioned that he had 5 or 6 ones go on him after next to no service. Not very good sounding follow-up either. I'm pursuing the alternate pot route with a Canadian company which offers a very inexpensive solution for about $5. US but the taper is not similar to the Clarostats, ie it comes on fairly quickly then is quite linear in it's taper. I'm also not sure about it's longevity. Is it time to give up and go the Hilton or Goodrich CD-2 route? Anybody else having problems with Clarostats?
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2002 11:14 am    
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A recent problem I discovered is the pot freezing up, stiff to move. This was in fact caused by the pully attached to the shaft of the pot! If it rides up against the pot locknut it will pull the shaft outward and bind it up hard as rock. I put a new pot in and it did this very same thing quickly. I took the new pot out, put some cleaner/lubricant in it and got it loosened up. I put it back in and made sure the pully was not touching the locknut, no problem now!
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