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Author Topic:  Black Widow Speaker History?
Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2002 6:10 pm    
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What are the different models that have been used in Peavey steel amps? I have a 70's session 400 w/ the speaker with the graphics (red, black, spider) and it sounds amazing w/ steel or guitar.

I have a later model BW in my LTD (silver back, no graphics) and it doesn't seem as warm.

How many BW speakers has Peavey offered in the steel amp series and what are the most desireable?

What is a 1504-1? Is that the one I have with the graphics?


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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2002 7:32 pm    
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At least two offered in the Nashvilles were the 1501-4DT (deep throw) and the 1501-4SB(shallow basket, current speaker used). I bought a Nashville 400 with a 1501-4DT. I special ordered it some years ago. I played two gigs on it, sold to friend. He kept it in the living room for the past 4 years! It is dead mint, and I am glad to have just bought it back. I also put the Peavey tone mod in it, too.
Maybe Mike will chime in here with a little history on the other speakers used along the way.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2002 12:58 pm    
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From our records, the flat magnet type Black Widow was the very first version back in the '70's. I credit JBL for getting us into the speaker business in the first place. It seems that when steelers started experiencing speaker failures with the early Session 400 JBL speakers, JBL told us that they wouldn't warranty their speakers that failed with steel guitar use. So, Hartley Peavey designed the Black Widow speakers and they were so well received by the buying public that the line expanded to other applications in the Peavey product line.

After the first "flat magnet" series(which was actually called Spider/Peavey, the BW evolved into the Super Structure series of the early '80's. During the "SS" period of time, we changed over to the KEVLAR cone material in the early to mid '90's, with the exception of the 1501-4 ohm BW speaker for steel. The magnet look and design of the BW has changed through the years, but the specs have continuously improved with every series.

The Nashville 400 and Session 400 Limited both came equipped with 1502-4 BW's for a period of time during the mid '80's to mid '90's, but when the KEVLAR change took place, we decided that for steel guitar amp applications, the 1501-4 SB paper cone sounded the best, so the 1501-4 has remained in a paper cone form. All other BW's were converted to the KEVLAR technology at that time.

During this past year, all KEVLAR BW's have been redesigned to handle 500 watts of continuous power. However, the paper cone 1501-4BW has remained unchanged therefore providing the ultimate tone and power handling for steel guitar applications.
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Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2002 7:47 pm    
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So my "original" BW with the pretty graphics and picture of a spider, is a 1504-1, the same model as all the other ones?

(still confused

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2002 3:11 pm    
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Your Spider/Peavey flat magnet type is the first in the BW Series.
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Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2002 3:31 pm    
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So, there is no model # for the original?

If I want another, I should ask for it by it description, not #?


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