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Gene H. Brown


Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2002 5:53 pm    
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Hi Mike,
Wonder if you could shed some light on this problem I am having with my Nashville 400 before I pack it up and send it off to Toronto for repair please?
When you turn the amp on intermentintly, it sounds like someone has taken a ground wire and touches it too metal, and it's not a loud sound, kinda suttle. The sound comes and goes quite frequently and I have checked already for loose connections and bad chords, so I know it's in the amp itself. Do you think it could be a capacitor or something like that going out. Would appreciate your ideas before I send it off 3000 miles away and have them trouble shoot it for a lot of dollars.

Gene H. Brown

[This message was edited by Gene H. Brown on 24 September 2002 at 07:23 PM.]

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 5:44 am    
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I'm sorry to answer a question with a question, but I need a bit more information. Does this symptom show itself when the amp is being played or just sitting without any connection? Is the reverb control off or on?

The first thing that I recommend is that you wiggle the reverb molex with the reverb control on at the back underside of the chassis and at the reverb pan itself.

You can also do this with the speaker cable as well.

The problem could be with the input jacks as well as they are grounded at the chassis. Ensure that all 1/4" jacks are tight and snug to the chassis. If these suggestions don't assist in solving the problem, I suggest that you have a technician benchtest it for you.

Hope that this helps.
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Gene H. Brown


Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 4:29 pm    
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The Reverb is in the off position and it does this both ways , when the amp is being played and when not. I will try wriggling the wires and let you know what I come up with. Thanks for your help.
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Paul Norris


Andalusia,Ala. U.S.A.36420
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 4:48 pm    
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Gene, I had a problem kinda like this. I could be playing My amp and it would make a little pop ever so often. I got to checking my amp could not find any thing then one day I was playing and my wife turned on the hall light ,when she did it poped, I said ,do that again she did ,it poped she went to the fridg. opened the door ,it poped. I had a bad ground to my house and my ground pin on my amp ac wire was missing .Got those fixed and no more problems. Every time something was turned on in the house it would pop. Hope this helps. Paul:
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