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Author Topic:  Attn: Blue Tube II and Lexicon MPX-100 users
Sam Minnitti


New Rochelle, NY
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2002 4:38 pm    
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I just got the above new toys and have playing around with them.

I am running the MPX-100 in the Blue Tube’s effects loop with the knobs on the back of the Blue Tube all at 5. On the front of the Blue Tube, channel 2, I have to keep the volume between 1-2 or it distorts, seems to run real hot, so I keep it very low and run the input on the MPX-100 at about 1’oclock. I adjust overall volume with the output control on the MPX-100.

I run stereo line level outs from the Blue Tube into a BBE Sonic Maximizer then into the power amp in of my Nashville 400 and a old polytone amp, so my only real volume adjustment it would seem is the output of the MPX-100 .

Am I on the right track here? Also, if you want to share your reverb/delay settings on your MPX-100 that would be really helpful too.


Sam Minnitti

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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2002 5:19 pm    
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Normally I would use an FX loop inbetween the power amp and the pre amp. I set the loop to maximize the S/N ratio of my FX. If I used the output of my FX as an overall gain control it would defeat the purpose of the loop.

I don't understand where your pre amp's volume control is in your signal chain. If there is only an input level control then a loop would seem useless.

I would set everything to be cranking at peak efficiency and then use the power amp as an overall volume control. The Lexicon stuff can be a little tricky. It really sounds much better when its levels are set properly.

But then again "if it sounds right it is right".

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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2002 5:35 pm    
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Sam, don't use channel one, its the overdrive channel. Use channel two, its the CLEAN channel.
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Sam Minnitti


New Rochelle, NY
Post  Posted 22 Sep 2002 3:59 pm    
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I am using Channel 2, but even with that I have to keep the pre-amp volume very low. This unit does have the mod in it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the sound I am getting, nice and rich, and clean at loud volumes, as long as I keep the pre-amp vol low. I am just looking for opinions on my general settings, since this are new pieces of equipment for me.


To make a long story short, I am basically set up the way you describe…the levels on the lexicon are set properly using a combination of the pre-amp output and the lex’s input controls. .What’s weird is the fact that I’m running into the power amp in on a Nashville 400, which does not give me an overall volume control on the power amp itself, that is why I use the output control on the lex to set overall volume. Most likely I will transition to a separate power amp and speakers instead of using the combo amp.

Thanks guys…maybe b0b will chime in, I saw some old posts and I think he uses a similar setup.

Sam Minnitti


[This message was edited by Sam Minnitti on 22 September 2002 at 05:02 PM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 22 Sep 2002 8:40 pm    
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I've had my best results running the MPX-100 between the preamp and the power amp. I adjust the input level on the MPX so that it just barely goes into the red when I strum the strings hard and my volume pedal is floored. (Set this with the power amp off, of course.)

I run the power amp wide open, and control my volume with the MPX-100's output level control.

I have a Real Tube preamp that I'm not using since I got the Mesa V-Twin, but I ran it the same way. I haven't had good luck with the effects loop on either preamp. I think they design the effects loop for stomp boxes or something. I never got my gain structure right using the effects loop.

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Sam Minnitti


New Rochelle, NY
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 5:11 am    
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Thanks bob, that’s pretty much what I am doing, except I use the effects loop on the pre-amp.

How do you like the Mesa V-Twin in comparison to the TubeWorks pre-amps? What are some of the main differences? Did the Mesa require a mod?


Sam Minnitti

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