Starting at the back of the pedal:
#1 - Thread the 1st string (w/metal end last, to act as a stop) through the hole in the bracket on the underside of the top half of the pedal.
#2 - Feed it down & under the pully on the axle at the back of the pedal going toward the front.
#3 - Hook one end of the spring to the end of the string.
#4 - Thread the 2nd string (w/metal end last, to act as a stop)through the hole in the front bracket on the under side of the top of the pedal.
#5 - 2nd string wrap's down and under (going toward the back) the small pully on the short shaft on the
"pot-mount/pully-mount/pedal-travel-stop" for lack of a proper technical term for it.
#6 - Off the small pully, the string go's across to the big brass pully on the shaft of the volume pot. The string will make contact with the brass pully at 12 O'clock and wrap clock-wise 2 times around coming off at 12 O'clock going towards the back of the pedal and the 1st string with the spring on the end of it.
#7 - Hook the end of 2nd string to front end of spring and it's done.
#8 - Hint - rub the 2nd string with some violin bow rosen before you wrap it around the big brass pully, it helps it get a grip.
Good Luck.
JE:-)>[This message was edited by Jim Eaton on 19 May 2002 at 10:20 AM.]