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Author Topic:  Problem with volume on TubeFex for Mike Brown or anyone else
forrest klott


Grand Rapids Mi USA
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 3:16 pm    
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Hi all,

I've got a TF that came without the manual, and I've been fighting a volume problem that I'm sick of. I'm running a MCI with Barcus Berry PU's in it, a stl. drv'r II and a Session 400 with the mod. I run from the TF into the back Power Amp In on the amp, but I'm not getting the volume output I think I should. It's fine for low to moderate volumes, but when I'm with a LOUD band, I don't have enough headroom to keep up. I've got the input set correctly for the PU's I think at 65, and in the Global setting, I've got the output set at 100% but it isn't enough. I've noticed that some programs are louder than others, but haven't figured out what I need to do inside the other programs to boost the "oomph".

Can anyone help?


Skeeter Klott
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forrest klott


Grand Rapids Mi USA
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 4:03 pm    
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I'm using both TF programs and some of the old PF settings. I had my programs installed by Danny H. @ Harrison Music.

Thank you for the tip, any others with some words of wisdom? Mike, can you add anything?


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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 7:52 pm    
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I always set my post gain wide open and adjust the pre gain as needed.Also I set the outputs of both EQ's at 100 always.Some folks use only 1 eq however.
Like you, I hate to have one program that's a lot louder than the others. So I adjust the EQ volumes (pre side) where all programs are pretty much the same volume.As for editing programs these units work just like a Profex II. Hope this helps.-----bb
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2001 6:05 am    
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I suggest that you go back to "basics". What I mean by this is to connect the output of your guitar straight to the input of the Tubefex, then from the TF to the POWER AMP INPUT on the rear panel of the Session 400 Limited, therefore bypassing all devices. Make sure that the "clip" LED on the TF is blinking green as you hit a note.

If the volume increases, you have either a defective cable or your volume pedal or your steel driver is degradating the signal. If the volume doesn't increase, adjust your GLOBAL volume setting. At this point, I would reinitialize your Tubefex by turning the power off, then holding down the PLAY and GLOBAL buttons and powering up while holding these buttons for a couple of seconds. Then check the output level using a factory patch. CAUTION; BY REINITIALIZING THE UNIT, ALL CUSTOM PRESETS ON BANK A WILL BE ERASED AND HAVE TO BE RELOADED VIA MIDI OR RAM CARTRIDGE.

Please let me know if this takes care of the problem. If it doesn't, I would like to discuss with you the most expediant route to take to have it bench tested. I can be reached here at Peavey by phoning 1-877-732-8391, which is our U.S. toll free consumer line.
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