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Alan Michael


Winston-Salem North Carolina U.S.A.
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2001 9:08 pm    
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Hi Mike, just looking for some information that I think you can probably help me with. Recently I bought a Nashville 400 from a forum member and I got to tell you, you Peavy folks sure make a good sounding amp. Like everyone else I'm trying to determine what kind of speaker I have. I've read the posts about the sticker on the speaker at the terminals. My speaker has a sticker that says Black Widow but no identifying numbers. The amp's serial number is 08575299. Can you tell from this when the amp was manufactured and which speaker it might have. Or maybe there are some other ways to identify which speaker I have. And I belive that this amp was made before the Peavy mods were added, am I right?
Thanks, Alan
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2001 5:30 am    
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Congratulations on your purchase and thanks for your kind comments. Your Nashville 400 was manufactured in early '96 and should have the Black Widow 1501-4 ohm speaker. However, to ensure that this is the speaker that you have you can look at the cone material from the back of the amp(in good light). If you see shiny slithers of material woven into the cone, you have a KEVLAR BW. If you don't see this, you have the paper basket. The model of the speaker should be printed on the white sticker right above the speaker terminals. You may not be able to read the label fully without a mirror or removing it from the cabinet as it is such a tight squeeze for the small cabinet.

At any rate, we started installing the 1501-4 SB sometime around the mid '90's.

If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me here at the factory. I can be reached toll free in the U.S. at 1-877-732-8391.
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