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Author Topic:  ? for users of the Boss TU-2 (pedal) tuner
Cliff Swanson

Raleigh, NC
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2001 9:11 am    
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The product descriptions for the TU-2 indicate that a stream of LEDs flashes as the reference pitch is approached, but is there any display of the amount of deviation from 440 Hz (either in Hz or in cents) so that deliberate tuning of some strings to a different reference can be done accurately? I like the idea and format of this tuner, but won't get one if it won't accomodate "off center" tuning.

Thanks in advance,

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2001 10:12 am    
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I've found a tuner with a readable meter is the best for tuning a Pedal Steel. I've tried some LED types, not specifically the TU-2, and all that I tried left something to be desired or you had to guess at what it was displaying.

With a meter, such as the Boss TU12/12H you are more in control. The TU12 meter doesn't have a marking for say -3.5Hz but the resolution is a lot closer than an LED.

One of the meter types I dislike is the Korg CA20 chromatic tuner. It has an LCD meter display but it I've found, for steel, it is no more accurate than an LED display type. In fact the accuracy of this unit is not as good as my Boss TU12H or even my old Korg AT12 with both have true analog meters.

Like most other accessories they are desgined for a guitar or bass and for people that tune everything to "0".
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