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Author Topic:  Steel Fantasy Camp
Darryl Hattenhauer

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2006 10:39 am    
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Eric Jaeger mentioned in another thread that there could be a steel fantasy camp where you could play like Ralph Mooney and others could play Waylon, etc.

Has that ever been tried?,

Every summer, there is a Kingston Trio fantasy camp. Two of the old members run it, and campers sit in with those two as if they are one of the trio, and they play trio songs.

Maybe there could be a country swing camp where people play the old stuff on non-pedal. You could bring in guys like Herb Remington, and others could play non-steel or other istruments.

Or maybe a Sho-Bud camp with Lloyd etc.

Or maybe an Emmons camp with..., uh, is there anybody folks think of when they hear the name Emmons?

Why not have bOb run it so I could bring a banjo?

"I drink to make other people more interesting." -- Jack Nicholson

[This message was edited by Darryl Hattenhauer on 21 October 2006 at 12:42 PM.]

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