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Author Topic:  Deliverance" & The Chattooga River
Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 May 2006 7:40 pm    
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"Deliverance" played again today for the one millionth time. I sort of watched it, cuz I have "basic" cable, which today translates to NOTHING - all repeats of mostly junk and ADVERTISING.
"Deliverance" is a good flick.

What I'm trying to get at, is in the flick, there's the scene where Burt Reynolds tells John Voight,..."better take a good look at her[the river] cuz soon this whole region will be under water and one huge lake"...

Today it hit me, and hit me hard. I said to myself....naw, they didn't really flood that
entire region did they? Like did up here in Massachusetts with Quabbin Resovoir - another stupid government F*&^%UP

Well-glad to say, I went on the web and checked it out, and the Chattooga has been preserved [so far] and flows almost 60 miles and drops about 50 feet per minute. It starts up in North Carolina and descends at a crisp rate. It drops about 2,150' in 60 miles.

It forms the border with N Carolina, S Carolina, and Georgia - up there in the NE corner.

What a gorgeous river and environ.

According to what I read on some of the web sites, the river wasn't hardly known only to a handful of trout fisherman and canoeists until "Deliverance" came along.

But folks have kept her the longest free wild running stream in the Eastern USA - about 60 miles.

We all saw that movie. What a beautiful place. Just wish it was this way all over.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 6 May 2006 8:55 pm    
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Yeah beautiful place.
And a great place to NOT be Ned Beaty

The Quabin area was beautiul too, and there is a now buried indian burial site,
and other ancient things permanently lost.
A shame for sure.

But then again... when you need water,
mud don't cut it.
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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 7 May 2006 10:12 am    
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I have canoed on the Chatooga along the S.C./Georgia border. It's truly a beautiful river.
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 May 2006 5:02 pm    
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Yeah, Quabbin, located in central MA feeds water to the Boston metro area. It supplies no water to towns around or near it.

Being as it may, that most of MA's revenue pretty much stays in Eastern MA, and they have plenty of it, desalinization plants would have been the way to go. If the Mid-East has them, can't see why Boston couldn't. They got the whole Alantic Ocean right outside their door.
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