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Author Topic:  Hurricane Katrina Fundraisers
Loren Bayles


Iowa, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2005 2:03 pm    
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I,m planning on arranging as many country music fund raisers as possible and think if it was done all over this country and others, millions could be raised to help the thousands of victims of this recent catastrophy and if all musicians would join every fundraiser for only the exposure and actual expenses ( mainly gas )or for free the public would benefit from a lot of great entertainment and would most likely turn out in large numbers knowing their money was going to such a great cause.
profits could be turned over equally to the Salvation Army and The Red Cross or to any bonified charity organization.
Most of us can't go there and this would be one way to do " the right thing " for fellow human beings in desperate need.
What does anyone else think???
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