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Author Topic:  Need words to "My Eyes Are Jealous".


Bakersfield, CA, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2005 9:20 am    
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John LeMaster

North Florida
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2005 7:27 am    
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"Your eyes aren't like the stars, they're just your eyes.
Your hair's not like an angel's, it's your own.
Compliments don't seem to become you - compared to anything, you stand alone.

A tall mountain cedar needs no tinsel.
Each sunset always has it's share of gold.
But when I look at you, my eyes are jealous,
Of each other, for the beauty they behold.

The words to say "I love you" haven't found me -- You're all words could say, ten thousand fold,
And when I look at you, my eyes are jealous, of each other, for the beauty they behold.

Gary, the above was from memory. Jimmy Dickens probably sold a couple million of that song - it was the "B" side of the old 45rpm record of "May the Bird of Paradise (Fly Up Your Nose)". If I recall correctly, Jimmy Day wrote "My Eyes Are Jealous".

John L.
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Bakersfield, CA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2005 4:13 pm    
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Thanks so much John.

That's pretty heavy stuff. I imagine LJD did a masterful job recording it.

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