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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2003 4:12 pm    
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You've certainly go my vote, Rick! There's nothing on TV now that even comes close to ACL as a "music lover's show". The only competition it ever had (20-odd years ago) was "Midnight Special", and "Nashville Alive".
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2003 8:30 pm    
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Do you guys think that 3 trucks is a big production?
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Tony Davis

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2003 5:32 am    
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Well ....I have sat and watched a video of the Dixie Chicks..with my two daughters...who are both performers.......and we have discussed it at length.......

I am just glad that they both want to work at some of their stuff......their Harmonies and the guitar work.........Personally I am all for anything that promotes..decent music such as Country...Blue grass an other stuff.....and I think the Dixie Chicks are promoting it Pretty Well...along side of al the others who are too many to mention
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Chris Walke


St Charles, IL
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2003 1:13 pm    
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My wife is a big Dixie Chicks fan. I like there stuff alright, mainly because of Lloyd's excellent straight-ahead steel playing. I also really enjoy their covers of Patty Griffin's songs.

I always tell my wife that I'd love to see the Chicks in a theatre or auditorium setting. We went to see them play at the Allstate Arena in Chicago for their Fly tour. For an arena show, it was one of the better shows I've seen, but I'd still rather be in a setting geared toward listening to music. The parking fee, distant seats, and $6 beers didn't tip the scale into my favor either, but they played well, had an excellent band backing them up, and they made it "snow" inside the arena. Cool, but far from ideal.

My wife's choice of music and mine are at times miles apart, but the Chicks provide a safe middle ground. We were supposed to go together to see them again when they came thru chicago in may but I was in the hospital. I was kinda disappointed that I was missing the show.

[This message was edited by Chris Walke on 02 July 2003 at 02:14 PM.]

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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2003 2:58 pm    
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It's just struck me how pleased we should all be that such a country-orientated act as the Dixie Chicks is SO successful in the mainstream music world.

They don't seem to compromise, and they don't 'cross over' - unless it's from bluegrass to country when they feature pedal steel - I think they're terrific, and are doing a great job (intentionally or unintentionally) of keeping the music alive (or at least stopping it from gasping for breath.....)

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Nicholas Dedring


Beacon, New York, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jul 2003 8:21 am    
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From footage I've seen, their show isn't all that flashy... the stuff they've shown as video footage from this tour just has them sitting out on a stage, semi-"in the round". They might have to tote the stage itself with them... since they sit in the middle of the audience, from what I can see.

On the "less is more" front, I saw James Blood Ulmer play a solo set while I was in Seattle a while back... it was a riot, he came in, probably about 25 minutes before hit time, with just a guitar over his shoulder. Ate some, and was set up to go in under five minutes. It was a blues set, sort of... really eerie sound. I asked him when he was done, since it sounded so odd:

"That isn't a normal tuning, is it??"

He just burst out laughing, "Naw. It's what I call a unison tuning. Everything's tuned to 'A'". No kidding.

[This message was edited by Nicholas Dedring on 03 July 2003 at 09:22 AM.]

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