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Author Topic:  chas smith

Post  Posted 7 Apr 2003 2:44 pm    
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i just got my copy an hour out of desert center and love it. this is to chas since there is no email option. you must be familiar with this sound sculptor

the 156-string sound sculptor called the Lyra Sound Constellation, designed by George Landy. The metal strings are stretched 15' to 20' long, each tuned to microtones (intervals in between the regular intervals), and each string was connected to crystal and magnetic pickups. Two tracks were recorded directly from these pickups, and two tracks from mics placed in the room, in this case the Double Rocking G Gallery in Los Angeles. The four tracks (remember, this album predated MIDI samples and our digital recording capabilities) were then processed and orchestrated before final remixing. The players for this album include Michael Stearns and Landy, plus Susan Harper. Additional players and chorus (for some ghostly voices) include Georgianne Cowan, Sandy Gekler, Jean Krois, and Kristine Shelton. The music is ethereal and heavy at the same time, vastly expanded with pluckings, sonorous echoes, rocket blasts, bass roars and yaws, ghostly gongs, and percussive sequences. The one sound that stays with me is the "crystal buzzsaw" section, especially on the track "Invocation."

another of my very favorites

and the first cd i ever bought even before i had a cd player

[This message was edited by ebb on 07 April 2003 at 03:55 PM.]

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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2003 4:44 pm    
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I haven't heard this particular CD yet, but I have some of Chas's previous work, and it really is something else.

I think it's safe to say that Chas' work stretches the very definition of the word music. I find his work very etherial and beautiful and some of my musician friends who are really aware and sensitive agree. However some of my less sensitive friends (including a b*nj* player who shall remain nameless) just didn't get it and dismissed it as meaningless noise.

I predict that people here will either really love or hate Chas's work with great intensity, and there will be no middle ground. Be that as it may, I'm really glad to see that his CD is being featured this month. I urge you all to check it out, even though (assumeing it's like his other work) it is not just not country, it's not even remotely like any kind of music you've ever heard before.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2003 5:10 pm    
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Moved to the 'Steel Players' section of the Forum.
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