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Author Topic:  Is LIVE music what it used to be?
Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2002 4:14 pm    
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Tim I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, there are people who make religions out of whatever it is they're into, be it music, old cars, whatever. They will not accept any other style of music or auto manufacturer or whatever, other than the one they love, as if to do so would be disloyal. They're the ones who think "everything else is crap". These people won't open their minds until they're ready, if ever. Then there are some others who might have an open mind but simply prefer their own favorite. Personally I'm thankful that I enjoy many kinds of music. How many people eat the same exact meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every single day? Not many, I'd guess. Then why be that way about music? Maybe some people are like dogs and cats, I read they prefer the same food everyday and get confused if you change it!
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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2002 11:23 pm    
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BOY!!! There are some intelligent statments posted here and I have to agree with all these last few posts. Joe Casey, Tim Harr,Jim Phillips,and all the rest, I just wish congress was this intelligent! No, I'm not being funny,I think you guys nailed this one! Now , how do I get 'yall into political office, somewhere? Sorry, I just can't find an argument here.

F.Lee Bailey

(Mr. Gonnagetchaout)
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2002 6:35 am    
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Jim ::Even tho I agree there are all types of good Music take a rocker for instance he only likes Rock music and will turn his head with a smirk when you ask him to play country.People who love Classical or Opera collect only such. Everyone has a music of choice, some of us choose it to be the music of our life which was Country Music.The Country Music scene has changed but there is still some of the traditional around for us whether it be out of our collections or a snibit on the radio once in a while. What I'm saying is I see no reason to put down the music of other peoples choice. There is only two kinds of music.Good or Bad.Those that choose to seek newer ,better things for Country music I wish them all the best as I remain loyal to the one that brung me.I do listen to other music Jazz,blues oldies and light rock.In fact I never liked Gunsmoke but I never missed Wyatt Earp.In other words I Liked westerns but not all.It would be sad if all food tasted the same.


[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 08 January 2002 at 06:40 AM.]

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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2002 7:04 am    
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Again, that's very true. Most people have a favorite type of music. When I said I agreed with Tim 100% I didn't think that was a put-down on any kind of music, and you can re-read every word I've written in this forum and I guarantee you'll not find me putting-down any kind of music. Maybe Tim's comment "this should be called the 'country/western forum'" and then my agreeing with his post, appeared to be a put-down on country music. I didn't take it as such, I thought it was a remark regarding SOME who get a bit political about their love for the genre, who seem to believe "everything else is crap". Tim said he also loved traditional country. So do I. I grew up listening to Hank Williams (SENIOR!), Marty Robbins, Ray Price, Chet Atkins, all the great TRADITIONAL Country. I also love just about every other kind of music. OK, I take it back, I WILL put down RAP, and I figure that's my right. What I think Tim is putting down and I agreed with, is just some people's way of taking what they believe which in this case is an almost fanatical zeal for one type of music and being so religious about it that they become almost hostile to anyone who likes anything else. Well this is America and that's their right. I still think it's silly and narrowminded. That's what I agreed with Tim on.
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 9 Jan 2002 6:30 pm    
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Jim I never thought your post or Tims Post are a Putdown.In Fact Tim is a young up and comer with the right Idea. Keep and an open mind and Country Music has a chance to progress while staying the same. I don't say that as a double standard.There should be enough for all pf us to enjoy .New Country and oldies.Heck we changed things in our day and I'm sure many were against what we did.


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