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Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2001 12:43 pm    
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I ran across this in an 'Old-Time' Music newsgroup the other day. That's pre-Bluegrass fiddle music for the uninitiated...

I kinda figured this would be interesting to all of us 'Baby Boomers of Country Rock'.

Beau Town Records has released two new CD's.

First one is a CD recorded by Gib Guilbeau (ex-Flying Burrito Brothers and
ex-Nashville West), Wayne Moore (ex-Nashville West), Darrell Cotton and
Ernie Williams. They call themself now BROTHERS!! Those four recorded
together in the late 50's and early 60's as "The Four Young Men", "The
Castaways". Gene Parsons played also with The Castaways. This CD is a
"Tribute to the 50's and 60's". Title of this CD is "Children of the
fifties". Guest musician is Albert Lee. For more info go to the Beau Town
page and order it. You can order that CD right now only direct from Beau
Town Records

Second Beau Town release is a new Sneaky Pete Kleinow CD with the title
"Meet Sneaky Pete". This CD would lead you to believe it was recently
recorded but this is a compilation of never before released tracks. The
history of these cuts started around nineteen-seventy-ish and twangs it's
way to about 1990. Again with Albert Lee, Ed Ponder (ex-Flying Burrito
drummer). Bobby Cochran (ex-member of Sneaky's group from the late 70's
SIERRA), Jeff and Mike Porcaro and others.

You can also order that CD from Beau Town Records:

And if you haven't ordered Beau Town records still sells the "Classic Gib
Guilbeau" CD with Clarence White, Gene Parsons and many others and the
"Second Railroad" CD with Wayne Moore, Gib Guilbeau and Greg Harris.

Well, well, well...I just noticed a certain Doug Livingston on keyboards on the Sneaky Pete CD. Way to go EB!

Also, FWIW, the Sneaky Pete CD has a little known song on it called It Makes No Diffference, written by Robbie Robertson and originally performed by The Band. This has to be one of my favorite songs of all time!

Looks like I'll be reaching for the credit card any minute now....

[This message was edited by Steve Feldman on 24 November 2001 at 12:49 PM.]

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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2001 2:05 pm    
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That song, 'It Makes No Difference',
is one of my favorite BAND songs as well.
The Band's big hits were all great as well and sometimes overshadowed little hidden gems, here and there within there LP's,
such as 'IMND'. Me and and an acoustic guitar
partner sat down for 2 straight days and nailed this one. We haven't played much in a while, let alone this song, so I'll show him this post and maybe it'll do some rekindlin'.
Does Sneaky do an instrumnetal only, or are there vocals as well?

I may have to reach for one of those dang cards, too.

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chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2001 4:00 pm    
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Well, well, well...I just noticed a certain Doug Livingston on keyboards on the Sneaky Pete CD
The 'Bove' has some history.
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Jason Odd

Stawell, Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2001 6:15 pm    
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Oh cool, I haven't looked at the site for ages.
Beau-Town is certainly becoming one of the last outlets for the country-rock crowd, there's really only B-T, Sierra and Taxim, and the latter is in Germany while Sierra is tied up in a big project which means they have been a little quiet on the new release front. Although they did do a Clarence White acoustic set this year.

Which reminds me; Gib Guilbeau's "Classic Guilbeau 1968-86" actually features a few tracks by Nashville West (Wayne Moore, Gib, Clarence White and Gene Parsons) from 1968 with Red Rhodes added on steel.
I believe Mike Johnstone and less frequent Forumite Carl Walden have been up to Gib's studio in the last year or so.

Also did anyone notce that the Brothers CD has a Hinkley Valley Boys live radio broadcast from 1957?
The reason I mention this is that steel guitarist Blackie Taylor once mentioned working in a 1950s group with Gib, might even be the same outfit?
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