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Author Topic:  Deluxe Deminsions
Tom Jordan

Wichita, KS
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2003 5:20 pm    
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Howdy all,

I've got a chunk of birds' eye mape that needs to shaped and lots of ambition...a forum search has revealed many topics on hardware which is great...but I'm hoping that somebody will provide the body dimensions for the Fender Deluxe (s-Cool. They don't have to be exact since I will be adding my own "artistic license". What I would like are the dimensions for:

Total Length:
Width at the Peghead:
Width at the Tail:
Distance from Peghead to Nut:
Distance from Bridge to Tail:
Depth/width of the Routed aprons:

I plan on fabricating the hardware and will most likely use one of Jerry's True Tone pickups...the one on my Morrel sounds cool. I'll most likely use a Tele vol/tone plate for the pots. Not sure what I'll do for the fret board yet (maybe plexiglass) because the maple that I have is very well figured.

Any info that you can throw my way would be very helpful...I know that walnut is the traditional wood for this guitar but I'm really partial to maple...must be from my first 'Bud.


Tom Jordan


[This message was edited by Tom Jordan on 22 August 2003 at 06:23 PM.]

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Tom Jordan

Wichita, KS
Post  Posted 25 Aug 2003 9:27 am    
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...come on, somebodys' gotta' have an early Deluxe and a yard-stick under the same roof...

I have "layed-out" the guitar on paper and it looks like a pretty good replica of the 22.5" scale length walnut body guitar but I won't be powering up the band saw until this weekend.

Thanks for reading and any measurements...even rough would be helpful.

Tom Jordan
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Chris Scruggs


Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 25 Aug 2003 10:47 am    
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Here are the measurements for my 1950 Deluxe 8. I included some extra information you will need.

Total length:
Width at peghead:
Width at tail:
6 1/2" at widest piont. It extends in length an extra 1/2" at the strings, for a width of 4"
Distance from peghead to nut:
Distance from bridge to tail:
1 1/2"
Depth of aprons:
Width of inner apron at tail end:
Width of inner apron at head end:
Width of outer apron at tail end:
Width of outer apron at head end:
Depth of body:
1 1/2"
Depth of body at end headstock (it slopes down, the distance from the peghead to nut is the distance of the slope):
Don't forget, the aprons "flair" out at the bridge and nut, and I'm not quite sure how to measure it, but I geuss you can come up with something in general.

I hope this helps, Chris
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Tom Jordan

Wichita, KS
Post  Posted 25 Aug 2003 11:39 am    
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Thanks a bunch, thats the info that I was looking for! I really appreciate the help. It's funny, I came pretty close to some of the dimensions from scaling photos...but now I'll redraw before I cut.

Thanks again, Chris!

Brad you can close this.

Tom Jordan
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