Buddy Rich's dying words

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Susan Alcorn
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Post by Susan Alcorn »

What a weird strand. Buddy Rich was a complicated human being, and I feel sorry for those musicians who had the displeasure to work for him and endure his tirades, but . . . the thing that I personally remember the most about him was the utter passion he had for his music. He was a great musician, and perhaps in spite of himself led some wonderful bands.

-- Susan
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Susan,,,,He was a great musician in spite of all his faults,,,he put up with a lot of primma donna's and there was no place for that in Buddy's world,,,either you cut it or you are out,,,That story about his being a monstor is highly overated.
He did have some good in him,,,regardless of what has been said about him,,,
He had many guys in the band that "laid down on the job" He wouldnt stand for their kind of you know what....does that make him a monstor?,,,,, I worked with no talent idiots
who thought they were Elvis ,,,and they had a bigger attitude than Buddy for a lot less money,,,,,did these people who speak of Buddy ever meet him? or work with him?

Sure he was difficult to work with,,,but not if you did your job as he expected of his musicians,,,,,this was not a game,,,if it were baseball these guys would have been traded off to the minor leagues,,,,Buddy was a major leaguer,,,,Copyright (c) 2001 by Jody Carver "All Rights Reserved"<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 23 March 2002 at 09:01 PM.]</p></FONT>
John Lacey
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Post by John Lacey »

A sound man that worked for us once, had also worked a gig at the Colonial Tavern in Toronto where the Buddy Rich band was playing. He captured the performance with a hidden 4-track. He played it for us country boys and just blew us away, what a band.
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Post by Guitar_Bobby_Leach »

I remember the first time I ever heard B.R. cut down country music and there were many times after that. It was in the early 70's on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I was about 14 at the time and with the way Country music has been since the 70's, who can blame him. Has anyone heard any "Real" country music in the main stream since the 60's were over ? Image
Start buying some Wayne "The Train" Hancock, that will will bring country back to where it should be. Image
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

I hear much about the "negative side" of Buddy Rich,,,,it's easy to put a guy down,,he is gone now,,,if you didnt really know him,,,why continue.

I met him numerous times,,he was not the monstor he was made out to be,,,strong headed sure,,,hot headed sure,,I know many people who couldnt shine his shoes that were monstors without the talent.

Let the man rest in peace. Did any of you ever work for Buddy??? dont believe all you hear or read,,,he loved his image of being the "bad guy"

If you didnt know him on a one to one ,,,it is unfair and unprofessional to keep slamming the guy,,,,,I knew him,,,spent time with him.. He was always good to me,,,why dont you knock it off,,,Im sure you can find someone who is alive to knock,,,,that way you can give that guy a chance to defend himself,.

Knock me,,,but what do you know about me other than it takes me hours to tell a story
is that a mark of poor character??

Give it a rest... I liked Buddy Rich
Copyright (c) 2001 by Jody Carver "All Rights Reserved"<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 16 May 2001 at 10:29 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Hey 88,,,I really dont know what else to say.

Buddy always spoke well about you,,gosh darn it,,,I thought you felt the same about him.

Oh well,,,have a good one .......Jody
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Hi 88,, iam getting a kick out of this,"grin"
I really think you understimate yourself,,I think you are a cool guy,,,If it were not for me replying to you who would??

Its like this is an "over" thread...what ever has been said about Buddy has been said here on this topic. I dont want to disappoint you, I know you replied to a topic I started and was very complimentary to me,,,so I dont have a problem with your feeling toward Rich.

I understand your feelings toward him and in your own way ,,,you are probably justified..
I only tried to show the side of him that I saw..

Ya know 88,,,,,when someone expects a lot from someone and then is disappointed ,,its a big let down. The other side is when you are expecting a bad time from a notorious guy like Buddy Rich and then he turns out just the opposite,,,,that to me is rewarding
so OK man I'll let ya go now,,I was trying to keep your thing going here,,it's fun in itself,,,and I understand your feelings and I respect you for that.

I have some other things to do,,the spring is here and i have much to do around the house etc,,,,enjoyed the little chats,,,its fun,,,dont take it serious.,,or personal.

If I ever told you of my expieriences with Buddy,,,I think you would be amazed,,,but as you are aware ,,,I post long stories sometimes and most times too, too, long,,,but if i told you of my dealings with Buddy you may see my side,,,dont mean that I would expect you to change your attitude toward him
,,,just so you would see my side of knowing him,,,but bOb lee would be after me with those long stories.

Hey guy be well,,,it was fun goin back and forth with you,,,we're still friends OK
Jody PS I tried to keep your line of communication open by responding to you,,most people "ignore" but I wanted to have a bit of fun too...later....too bad I cant tell the stories,,,very interesting and I think you would agree,,,,good luck and the best to you,,,,"Copyright (c)2001 by Jody Carver "All Rights Reserved"<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 05 June 2005 at 04:58 PM.]</p></FONT>
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