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Author Topic:  Most Expensive Musical Oil On Earth
Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2000 3:32 pm    
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Take one kitchen type tea-spoon and fill it with household cooking olive oil. Now, how much does the spoon hold?? About 1/8 of an ounce???. Similar to taking a tea-spoonful of cough medicine, not very much you would say.

Now go to SAM ASH music store and ask for a bottle of YAMAHA KEY OIL which comes in a tiny box and is wrapped inside plastic bag. The amount of oil that is inside this tiny, tiny plastic bottle is about enough to fill one tea-spoonful. (The salesperson had a full bottle on display)

Now have the salesperson ring it up and WHAM OH........, $6.81 for just a few drops of key oil that is used by clarinet, saxophone, flute musicians etc., to lube their instruments.

Big question is how much does a gallon of this Yamaha Key Oil cost?????
$6.81 for about 1/8 of an ounce times $6.81= $54.48 (for 1 oz.) time 128 oz = $6,973.44 per gallon. That's more than a D-10 FRANKLIN with all the bells & whistles plus a new Nashville 1000 amp and throw in the new Herby Wallace CD also.

Now, are the Arabs ripping us off or are the music stores???? Now, how much of this Yamaha Key oil will it take to oil a, D-10 pedal steel, at least 3 bottles I would say.

No!!! I did not buy this oil nor did I make any purchases at SAM ASH imagine what I may have been charged for a .011 string. I did take a free catalog.


[This message was edited by Kenneth Kotsay on 23 September 2000 at 04:35 PM.]

[This message was edited by Kenneth Kotsay on 23 September 2000 at 04:36 PM.]

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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2000 5:57 am    
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Would you believe:

The SAM ASH store here in Rivergate is about the cheapest place I've found for strings.

Some things are a bit higher tho.

I guess it's a matter of where yo live.
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John Sims

Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2000 2:50 pm    
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Good thing your car uses gasoline and not key oil! I'd hate to have to fill my truck up with that stuff!

Steelin' is a way of life!

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Ken Lang

Simi Valley, Ca
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2000 6:22 pm    
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Is that why they say them horn players really cook?
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2000 6:45 pm    
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I'm sure that the "key oil" is just something else in a smaller container. Just like my neighbor, who SWEARS that "power steering fluid" ($2.89/16 Ozs.) is different than ATF ($1.39 quart).
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Pat Burns


Branchville, N.J. USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2000 6:50 pm    
Reply with quote Ken, why don't you buy a gallon of "3 in 1" oil, pour it into 1/8 oz bottles and market it as Ken's New and Improved Key Oil for $1.99 per bottle. Give Sam Ash a $1.50 kick-back per bottle to give you shelf space and promote it, you're still way ahead of the game...hell, I still can't believe that people buy water.
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Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2000 4:21 pm    
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After I got through with the sales-person I asked to speak to the store's music instrument repairman. This old timer showed up and I asked him what's the difference between Key oil and Bore oil and what oils does he use for most instruments.
He took me on the side and showed me two small bottles, one contain 10-30 motor oil the other was sewing machine oil. I asked him if he uses that Yamaha expensive key oil he "replied what's that" and just shook his head.
Remember "SNAKE OIL", heck people used to buy that stuff. You see we Americans will buy anything especially if it has a high price on and fancy label.

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