Just caught a glance of the cover of the current Rolling Stone on the magazine rack the other day -
Madonna sporting a cowboy hat and a well-weathered old acoustic guitar under her arm. What a great shot in the arm she would be for country radio!!!! Maybe a duet with Toby Keith or Tim McGraw is on her new album - a certain hit indeed!!
Madonna always knows when to jump on a trend before others act. I think she has seen the success of the Dixie Chicks and now wants her piece. She's very shrewd. Then again, it just might be some promo for a movie.
I hope she considers the gendre. Maybe Gaylord will use her as their new poster girl for country music. Actually I really like Madonna. Different, different, different. Best, Boomer
More "Jiggly Country" on the way? The Dixie Chicks aren't as rich and famous as Madonna. But, they are younger and better looking. I think that's all that counts in music nowadays!
Does this mean that Madonna is going to be considered a "Redneck" Now? Or maybe New Country? <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Dave Robbins on 21 September 2000 at 09:34 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Dave Robbins on 21 September 2000 at 09:37 PM.]</p></FONT>