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Author Topic:  Buck Owen's radio format is probably makin money
hank R


Post  Posted 1 Jun 2000 8:02 pm    
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We all want to trust Buck Owens as a country music giant and trend setter . And I LOVE his music ,but if u tune into his country music station you will find that he is playing the same "hot country" programming as the rest of the industry , I didn't even hear HIS own music on there after tuning in off the net on one of his stations. HE even knows as a businessman that music has got to sell like any other mass market product . It could of been computer chips , but he sells "music" instead. Interesting .hmmm perhaps investment value is not dependent on traditional music forms ,but more conditioning the public to like a risk free , generic , suburban ,no drinkin , remote click to the next artist of the month industry...... I still dont underastand the break from rural and night life themes , it only furthers a music without identity . Of course as an investor no one would take a chance on a truly traditional format unless they were an enthusiast of some type first (rare) and bankroller second. If I was making a full tilme living as steel player,I would go where the money was reliable and follow management lead like any other job. Personal music tastes aside you have to go to the bread and butter , even if you dont agree with 100% of the product. Its unfortunate .
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scott murray

Asheville, NC
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2000 10:45 pm    
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I think Buck operates several radio stations, and I know that he broadcasts his live show from the stage of the Crystal Palace on one of them.

It is a shame that he caters to the newer stuff, but I've been to the Palace and a lot of his audience is your typical line-dance crowd that goes in for that junk. He's gotta keep the customer happy I suppose.
It sure was a shock to hear the new "buckaroos" play the Macarena when I went to see Buck.
He made it all better with his version of "Storms Never Last" though!
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