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Author Topic:  Brent Masonesque speed licks. Need some ideas
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2003 11:38 pm    
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I did a search, and didn't come up with much new stuff.

I've been trying to come up with some stuff to play with the "Nervous breakdown" or "Hummingbird" tunes. the A pedal on/off 5 with the lowered 2 and the 3 played simult, or up three frets with the 5 on/off and the 2-3 simul, OR two frets down etc, works good, and the old mooney two frets down A pedal and up two releasing (repeating and moving) it covers a lot of stuff too.

Any new ideas? Maybe one similar to the old Franklin descending run..

Thanks for any input. If I had a decent freeware tab proggy I'd probably jot down a bunch of my faves.. I'm working on it.


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Niklas Widen


Uppsala, Sweden
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2003 10:39 am    
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is a typical six string cliche, but is quite hard to play at real fast tempos...sounds best if played real snappy and with almost muted bass notes....Then check out Sonbone's site at

I think there are Brent Mason and Albert Lee style licks there...

/Nicke Widén
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