Looking For Feedback... New Tab Program!

Written music for steel guitar

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Chip Fossa
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Post by Chip Fossa »

You more experienced PC cats probably already know this, but it might be worth repeating.
To facilitate even less time configuring
pitch changes in the PITCH DIALOG, all the
changes can be done easier from just the
KEYBOARD; forget the mouse.
For instance, I've been using 'D' to designate E-D# {D-1}. With the TAB key and the ARROWS, getting to D-1 takes 3 key hits for every change.

Open PITCH CHANGE [default is A 2]
3 hits on TAB takes you to A
3 hits on DOWN ARROW takes you to D
3 hits on TAB takes you to 2
3 hits on DOWN ARROW takes you to -1
hit ENTER, and back to tablature.

I know this sounds sophomoric, but the point is, you don't even have to look at the pitch dialog box while you are effecting changes.
Just keep good count.
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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

I noticed that too Chip. Using the mouse is slower than using the keyboard. I guess that's true with a lot of programs. Even here on the forum I often use Back Space, Tab, Enter, and the arrows to navigate between the different topics. Remember the old days before we had ...uh ...mouses, or is that mice? We had to use the keyboard for everything. Ah, the good old days!


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Matthieu Leschemelle
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Post by Matthieu Leschemelle »

In the next version a5, the pitch change is defaulted to 0 and no letter is selected.

Obviously, if a note with pitch change is currently selected, its settings are shown.

It seemed to me more logical...
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Post by SmallCap »


there seems to be a misunderstanding. What I meant is:

When I enter for example Shift+E, the note is automatically lowered one halftone.

When I click on a note with no pitch change, open the pitch change dialog and select E, the pitch change remains at +2 and I have to change that manually. A 0 default with no selection doesnt help much. Better would be that if a letter is entered in the Pitch change dialog, the correspondig pitch change is connected to that letter and a Shift+Letter would later add that pitch change to the note without opening the Pitch dialog.

BTW, You sure knew how to steal our time. seems like we're all converting our tabs now.

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Matthieu Leschemelle
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Post by Matthieu Leschemelle »

Hello All,

The v2.60 a5 is available.

Changes regarding PSG:

- Option for displaying graphical arrows instead of characters.
- PSG C6 predefined tuning (in "Tuning" dialog box)
- Note stems don't cross tab numbers anylonger


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Matthieu Leschemelle
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Post by Matthieu Leschemelle »

To Roland (SmallCaps):

I do understand now: you want that the letter selections automatically modify the pedal change values in the dialog box.

This ergonomical change is easy to implement and I'll do it in the next update.
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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

Wow, it just keeps getting better and better!


Chip Fossa
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Post by Chip Fossa »

Way to go Matthieu! Thanks, yet again,
for the great job you're doing with TE/PSG.
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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

With all of the new TE postings appearing on the forum I'm thinking... it would be nice if the posts included a link to the tef file so that forum readers who have TE can just click and listen to what a member has submitted. This would require uploading the tef file at the same time one uploads the gif file. The tefs can be transferred pretty quickly via email, so they should download quickly too... even for old 56K dogs like me.


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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

TablEdit people, check my post about Using Pentatonics on E9 in the PEDAL STEEL section


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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

TE fans, HERE is a TE arrangement that I posted in the No Peddlers section.

Okay, now it's time for me to start actually playing the steel guitar again... instead of the computer! Image


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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

I printed that off Doug and was able to play
the song quite easily thanks to the musical staff and the very nice layout.
You are doing a great job with the Tabledit software and the arrangement of "I'm Confessin'" is very pretty.
There is still some space at the bottom of the page and one could probably increase the font a step to make it even better.
Wonderfull work!!

Mark Cohen
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Post by Mark Cohen »

Too cool. I presume that the macintosh version doesn't have the PSG feature?
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Matthieu Leschemelle
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Post by Matthieu Leschemelle »


The new v2.60 a6 has just been uploaded.
http://www.tabledit.com/download/tev260d.exe (600 Kb)

Pedal and lever changes entry improved:

If you select a letter from the list, the dialog box uses the shortkeys default values. For instance, if you select 'B', the pitch change field is set to 1. If you modify the value before selecting the letter, a message will prompt you to change the default value for that letter. For instance, you have entered -2, and then you select 'A', a message prompts you to change the default value of [A] from 2 to -2.

Please tell me what you think about this new facility.

On another subject, I've noticed the number of new tabs in TablEdit format is still increasing. That's great. But I've noticed the .tef files are not zipped. The problem is Netscape's users can't download these files correctly since Netscape corrupts them while downloading (MS Explorer works just fine). So I would suggest either to zip the files individually or to create a zipped archive containing all the tef files.

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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »

I like the latest version with assigned values for the letters. It makes things a little faster and easier.


Chip Fossa
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Post by Chip Fossa »

Matt...what we need, I think, is to be able to go into the PITCH CHANGE, and set any of
them as to anyone's preference.

MAYBE I'M MISSING SOMETHING HERE. I have version '6a' and I don't know any other way to change PITCH and make it STICK; other than, just going into the LETTER and clicking a CHANGE..........THIS SHOULD BE ENUFF TO ESTABLISH THIS CHANGE AND RETAIN IT, NO???

CLICK on the LETTER; put in your CHANGE; click to SAVE AS....so when you go back to what you were working on, VOILA, it's all as
you have left it.

Maybe this is all available right now, but I am having trouble understanding the communiques, sometimes.

Thanks, Matt...
eagerly waiting your reply...

Grande Regardes,

Chip<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by CHIP FOSSA on 18 September 2001 at 08:41 PM.]</p></FONT>
Chip Fossa
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Post by Chip Fossa »

And Matthieu...
I think you should make the TEF files, somehow, so, if I send something to my yuppie
brother-in-law, who could care less about TABLEDIT, or any other music formatt, at least be able to hear this stuff, without having to go thru the DEMO/REGISTRATION
rigamorole.............MAKE IT EASIER FOR PEOPLE
TO HEAR THIS STUFF.......Just as in the 'DEMO' version........you can't do anything really in the DEMO. So have another
program/outlet STRICTLY for LISTENING. What's wrong with this? I think the 'word' would get out quicker about TE if people could easily and readily hear these files.
Without a lot of 'downloading procedures'.

I have sent TONS of TEF files to friends and relatives, asssociates, enemies, jerks, lovers..........BUT.....WHEN YOU TELL THEM THEY HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A 'DEMO VERSION', and in essence, go thru some rigamorole....well..
it can be a hard sell.

Make your great program just a little easier to show to the general folks.

I mean, heck, if you need a few more bucks from all of us to see this thru, count me in.

I think your great effort here has to get 'OUT THERE'........more......allow us registered users to show and prolifrigate
your great program.


You and me and all the TE members have nothing to lose here. SHOW THE WORLD.

"Set me free, why dontcha' babe".......

Hey Matt....FWIW.....Thanks for all you have done, and all you are continuing to do.

God Bless,

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Post by SmallCap »

Matthieu, thanks. That's the improvement i was talking about. But it seems that not all letters keep their assigned Values - did I miss something here?

I may be old, fat and ugly
but I'm keepin' it country
what's wrong with the way
that we're doin' it now
Jagiella SE-10 3x4 honey

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Matthieu Leschemelle
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Post by Matthieu Leschemelle »


You seem to ignore TEFView, the free TablEdit file Viewer. With TEFView, you can open any TablEdit, print it out, listen at it without any nag message. Unfortunately only TEFView v2.50 is available for now. So the recent improvements for PSG can't be tested with it yet.

You'll have to wait a few weeks until v2.60 becomes the official version for all users (registered or not).


Please be more explicit. Which letter assignments are lost?

To All,

I'm about to release TablEdit v2.60 a7 with a simple copedant support and the correspondant spellchecking feature. I've finally been convinced it is very useful ;-)

Chip Fossa
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Post by Chip Fossa »

Thanks Matt,
It would be nice to be able, when
changing what pedal/knee moves the LETTERS
do, to remember those changes. Lock em' in.
As it stands now, when I change a LETTER [+ or -], and then go back to that LETTER later,
it has reverted back to it's DEFAULT.
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Post by SmallCap »

Hi Matt,

what I mean is if i go to e.g. 'F', it shows 1, and if I change that, it keeps the value. But if I go to 'N' it doesn't keep the changed Value.
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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

I have finally got a chance to work with Tabledit. I have the Registered version.

I am having trouble with the width of the measures ie I have more notes than allowable spaces in the measure. Therefore I want to be able to move the measure line to the right to accept additional notes when this is necessary.

I have emailed Matthieu but I put the problem here in case others may experience the same difficulty.
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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

More questions:
1.How do I tie four quarter notes together?
2.When you choose to put entries in the spaces.... the tuning notes still line up with the string lines. Will this adjustmemt be made?
3.Can I delete the notes of the strings while I am composing tab? In print set-up I noted an option to print or not to print.
4.Do I have to go on line to get to the help
index file? I thought this would have been included in the software that was downloaded?

I seem to be having my biggest problem in getting the music to play back correctly in time. I read music and know how it should look on the staff but can not enter the numbered tab so that the correct values are reflected on the music staff.
Hope this makes sense. :-)
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Doug Beaumier
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Post by Doug Beaumier »


To enter 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64 notes in a measure, click on DISPLAY and then choose "Scale to 1/16 Notes", etc. The measure will expand to accept up to 1/64 notes.

To tie notes together put the little blue box on the note to be tied, click on NOTE and then click on TIED NOTE

When you start out be sure to click on SCORE, then INSTRUMENT, and then PEDAL STEEL GUITAR and click OK. This will put the tab numbers into the spaces. Click on the Print Preview to see what it will look like. There are many display options under the Print Preview page. You can vary the spacing between the tab and the notation, you may include stems in the tab, etc.

The notes will automatically pop into place as you enter the tab, but you may print just the tab and not the notes if you want to.

The HELP file must be downloaded separately (from the same page you downloaded the software).

To change the value of notes that you have already entered... highlight the note, click on NOTE, and choose the time value that you want to assign to it. You can speed things up by displaying the NOTES PALETTE.... click on DISPLAY, then PALETTES, and then NOTES. I hope this helps. db


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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

Wonderfull Doug!!
It is starting to come together.
Matthieu also sent me a helpfull email.
Joe Herchel sent me the undernoted info which specifically addresses my note entry problem.

"Concerning how to play back in the correct time.
Make sure you understand the bar that looks like a ruler. It's between the Fingerboard and Tab on my setup.
It represents the timing in a measure. For example, if you want two half notes, on the first and third beats, place notes over the first and middle tick of the ruler."etc etc

I thought by quoting Joe it might help someone else also.

Thanks to all.

Roy T.
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