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Topic: priceadvice on Fenderlapsteel |
Rob van Duuren
From: The Netherlands
Posted 29 Jan 2003 2:55 pm
Could anyone tell me what would be a reasonable price for a
singleneck(6-string) Fender lapsteel. Looks abit like a "junior-model",
square fretmarkers, numbers at the frets, cream-colored body, chromeplated
plate with vol/tonepots,telestyle-knobs, black singlecoil pickup, serial number 8105.
The legs are missing, it seems there used to be a round "thing" screwed
to the underside that might have held the (3?)legs. Would anyone have a picture of a likewise underside, I'd like to put it back on it's feet.
All help much appreciated. rob. |
Jody Carver
Posted 29 Jan 2003 8:49 pm
I am looking for what you describe for my granddaughter to learn on.I cannot determine
a price that would be fair,but I would pay up to $200.00 for a guitar as you describe.
That would be the "Student Deluxe" and the retail list price was $100.00 case included & it did come standard with flanges for legs
but the legs were optional and listed for
$37.50 for the 3 telescoping legs.
I hope this helps..thats a nice guitar. Good luck. |
Paul Osbty
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Posted 29 Jan 2003 9:12 pm
I would probably pay only $250US. |
Rob van Duuren
From: The Netherlands
Posted 29 Jan 2003 11:31 pm
Jody, Paul, thanks very much.
Still hoping to see some pictures of the original, perhaps an old catalog? rob. |
Brad Bechtel
From: San Francisco, CA
Posted 30 Jan 2003 12:06 pm
Rob, I don't have pictures of the bottom, but the guitar in question probably looks like this.
Brad's Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars
Rob van Duuren
From: The Netherlands
Posted 30 Jan 2003 12:30 pm
Well Brad, thanks for the picture. It seems mine is something inbetween these two. It has the black screw-on Fendernametag instead of the decall of the Champ. The tuning pegs are metal like the Champ has, the pick-up is black like on the Champ. Also, the three heavy legs on the Studio Deluxe would require three holes in the underside, mine has only one "round flange" in the middle. I guess it used to hold a light form of tri-pod.
Allnall I suppose it's a Champ I have here on my lap. Thanks again, if anyone knows more about the tripodstructure, perhaps a picture, I'd be much obliged. rob. |
Paul Osbty
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Posted 30 Jan 2003 1:32 pm
I have a picture of the underside of my Deluxe 6. I don't think I can attach a file though. How is this done? I don't have a URL. |
Rob van Duuren
From: The Netherlands
Posted 30 Jan 2003 3:06 pm
Paul, perhaps you could send it attached to an e-mail to my e-mailadress. rob. |