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Author Topic:  Metronome App issues
Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 15 May 2024 2:13 pm    
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It's an old joke -- "It wasn't until I got a metronome to practice with that I realized how erratic and inaccurate metronomes are!"

Yep. Blame the metronome Surprised .

But for real -- I practice a lot with a little battery powered unit and it's fine. But I wanted something a little louder, with some alternate sounds, so I downloaded a Widows app. "Metronome +" .
Worked well and suited my needs well enough. But the next day I was working with it and I couldn't believe how inaccurate it was. I mean within 8 bars of 4/4 I could pick out erratic faster & slower beats. The computer is barely being worked and resources are more than ample.

Very strange. I consider it unlikely that it's a buggy program but that would leave some sort of computer issue as the culprit. Does this sound like a simple conflict? It was doing this even with virtually no other programs running.

A) I'm wondering if anyone's got ideas about what could cause clocking issues like this.
B) I'm open to suggestions for simple, free, solid metronome programs. I've got a phone app but I want something I can run over my studio Windows 10 rig.
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