Robert Paul Lee (Bobby Lee) Aug 1949 - Mar 2023

Tribute to the eternal spiritual leader of the Steel Guitar Forum, Bobby Lee.
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Philip Ward
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Post by Philip Ward »

Thank you Bobby for helping me to understand music thru the steel guitar...irreplaceable loss for all..God bless his family..
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Dave Hopping
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Post by Dave Hopping »

Another bittersweet thought, penned by ex-Eagle Bernie Leadon (who did a little steel-slinging himself)

"....And we who must remain go on living just the same".
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Steve Hotra
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Post by Steve Hotra »

Thank you b0b and his family / friends for this amazing forum. I get most of my pedal / lap steel guitar information here.

Happy to see that the forum is not going anywhere.

RIP sir.
Guitars: Rittenberry SD S-10, Gretsch Black Falcon. Effects: Wampler Paisley, Strymon Timeline, Sarno Earth Drive.
Fractal FM9
Amps: Mesa Express 5:25, Jazzkat Tomkat & Boss Katana head / various cabs.
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Bob Bestor
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Oh my.

Post by Bob Bestor »

This is a wonderful place. Thank you b0b. RIP.
Keep on truckin'
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Ned McIntosh
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Post by Ned McIntosh »

I haven't been on the forums much of late, and then I see this and I am just stunned. BOb built far better than he knew, bringing us together as never before. Because of him, we have become a richly-endowed community.

It was an inspiration, and we have all reaped the benefit.

RIP BOb, our debt to you is incalculable.
The steel guitar is a hard mistress. She will obsess you, bemuse and bewitch you. She will dash your hopes on what seems to be whim, only to tease you into renewing the relationship once more so she can do it to you all over again...and yet, if you somehow manage to touch her in that certain magic way, she will yield up a sound which has so much soul, raw emotion and heartfelt depth to it that she will pierce you to the very core of your being.
W. Van Horn
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Post by W. Van Horn »

Thank you b0b for your monumental contribution to this instrument. This forum is a trove of insight that has no comparison. It's an important place, and everyone who loves the instrument is much better for it's existence. My condolences to his family and friends.
Casey Lowmiller
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Post by Casey Lowmiller »

Man, this really takes the wind from your sails!

Such a huge loss to our community. B0B has done so much for the steel guitar.

I always hoped that someday I would get the chance to meet him.

Prayers for his friends and family.
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John Troutman
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Post by John Troutman »

I had not logged into the forum in a long time, and something pulled me towards it today. I was so sad to learn of bObʻs passing. Bobby Lee meant so much to his friends and family, and meant so much in ways he likely never fully appreciated for so many more. I became a member here a couple of years after he launched the forum. I was just starting out on steel, and found the site (along with Ricky Davis, thankfully, who became my friend and mentor in Austin). I remember reaching out to Bobby for the first time; he was so kind and welcoming to a newbie like me. It made me feel like I already had an inner circle as I tried to figure out this complicated instrument (my first steel was a 1950s Fender 1000 with a jumble of wonky cables underneath and homemade knee levers that I pulled out of the attic from Tucsonʻs Chicago Music Store. I needed LOTS of help!). Bobbyʻs forum (along with Ricky!) turned me, like so many others, into steel players!

As a historian who eventually wrote a book on the history of the Hawaiian steel guitar, however, I found even more value in Bobbyʻs forum. He created a vision and a community resource that also now serves as an extraordinary historical archive. I found players; I found incredible stories; I found amazing fellow historian/player/collectors, and now, friends, like Les Cook. We all know so much more about the steel guitar, and about what it means to build a community of kind and supportive fanatics, I mean, fellow players, because of Bobby. Thank you, Bobby!
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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

I am so sorry to learn this news. Never met b0b but felt I knew him very well through the Forum and email communication.
We did a project "Diatonic Tuning for Steel Guitar" which he produced back in the 1990's. He also published my "Thumbstyle Steel Guitar Course for Standard E9th Steel Guitar" He was such an inspiration.
As the administrator of the Forum b0b was articulate, firm and fair. Treated everybody equally no matter the status. My sincere condolences to the Family. RIP b0b
Custom Tabs Various Tunings
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Cliff Kane
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Post by Cliff Kane »

I am shocked and saddened at the loss of Bobby Lee. Condolences to his family and friends. I don’t really post here any more, but I do check the forum on occasion, and I am truly saddend coming here today. I had a few corresponded with Bobby over the years. I had met his brother, Dennis, a few times long ago in S.F. through a mutual friend, and I know Bobby was of good people. RIP Bobby Lee.
Johnny Baker
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Post by Johnny Baker »

What a truly wonderful man he was and I will always appreciate the help, kindness, so forth he has shown me. My condolences to the family
I am currently running a Simmons SD10, Peavey Nashville 400 that's packing a 15" BW, Peavey Delta Fex effects processor, and a Match Box. Best rig I've ever run and the sound is truly incredible.
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Joseph Gamache
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Post by Joseph Gamache »

Although I haven’t been a member of this forum for very long, it took very little time for me to recognize what an amazing community Bob has built here. It’s a great accomplishment and legacy!

Thank-you Bob!

My deepest condolences to Bob’s family and friends.
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Jacek Jakubek
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Post by Jacek Jakubek »

Always Room In Heaven:

I sure know about Heaven, You know I have no doubt
So I should be getting ready because that's where I'm bound
I'll get myself a job and I'll work hard for months
I'll save all my money and get myself a steel guitar

'Cause there's always room in Heaven for one more steel guitar
Sitting in the house band right next to God's side
Just pickin' and sliding and making that heavenly sound
Always room in heaven for one more steel guitar

Like that education that gets you ready for the working world
My steel guitar will get me ready for when I leave this life
I'll play for the angels and make my heavenly sound
And thank Him for the music and my good ole steel guitar

Dedicated to Bobby Lee. Rest in Peace.
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Susan Alcorn
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Post by Susan Alcorn »

Bobby's death really hit me (it felt similar to when Buddy Emmons died, and also my friend Bobby Bowman). I didn't know what to write (and still don't). I couldn't find the words. It's hard to believe that he's gone - it still doesn't quite seem real. Bobby is the reason that we all know each other, at least by name and by our opinions and contributions connected to the instrument we all love. There was a time when the music I played was usually ridiculed on the Forum, and Bobby didn't put up with it - he was kind. For that I will always be grateful. I hope that the Steel Guitar Forum goes on for a long time as a living testament to our mutually admired and loved friend. Safe travels, Bobby. We're really gonna miss you.

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- Mary Oliver
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Andrew Goulet
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Post by Andrew Goulet »

I thought of b0b tonight while practicing with a rock band that has been challenging for me. I remember he once said something along the lines of "I've just got to add to the groove." His larger point was that steel guitar could add to the groove and backup other solo instruments as long as you had the right mindset and approach. Those words helped me tonight. I miss b0b terribly. I also know that I've only read a fraction of his words on here, and I will be reading and processing his wisdom for many years to come.
Marlen S12 and a ZT Club
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Johan Jansen
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Post by Johan Jansen »

So shocked. We will miss you Bob. 5hanks for all! Johan
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Tim McCutchen
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Bobby Lee

Post by Tim McCutchen »

Thank you Bob for giving us this super tool to stay connected and educate ourselves on the instrument we all love. RIP.
'00 Zumsteel D-10 8&9
Evans Amp,Peavey Nashville 112,Profex II
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Tony Oresteen
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Post by Tony Oresteen »

My heart goes out to the Lee family. We suffered a great loss as well when our daughter passed last month - that is why I am late seeing this. So sad.

I will cherish the few interactions I had with Bob. He was a gentleman for sure.

Right now I am listening to his album "Wine Country Swing" with Hugh Harris.

RIP friend. See you on the other side.
Newnan, GA

Too many guitars, not enough time to play
'72 Sho-Bud 6139 '71 Sho-Bud 6140
'82 Sho-Bud 6160 '73 Sho-Bud 6138
'71 Marlen 210
'78 Fender Stringmaster T8 black '70??? Fender Champ Lap Steel
Kenny Foy
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Post by Kenny Foy »

So sad to hear about. Prayers to the family. What he did with this site helped me thru the yrs in the steel guitar world and I'm sure it helped thousands more thru the years. THANKS BOB FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE -YOU WILL BE MISSED.REST IN PEACE
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Patrick McHenry
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Post by Patrick McHenry »

Thank you so much, I owe Bobby Lee a great deal for founding this forum. I am constantly coming back to it for more information and wisdom. Again, thank you so much to Bobby Lee and thank you so much to his family For lending him and his time to us all these years. RIP
LDG Sho Bud '73, Mullen Disco, Milkman

Richard E. Lee
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Post by Richard E. Lee »

Your contribution to us, and the world will be remembered forever. You have brought together people from the far ends of the world..together.
My condolences to your family, your work is a gift we all have been rewarded to receive..RIP my friend. Richard E. Lee
Richard E. Lee
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Re: RIP....b0b...

Post by Richard E. Lee »

Your contribution to us, and the world will be remembered forever. You have brought together people from the far ends of the world..together for unity of thoughts and ideas. Something like everyone wishes..we could accomplish.
My condolences to your family, your work is a gift we all have been rewarded to receive..RIP my friend. Richard E. Lee
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Ethan Fogus
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Post by Ethan Fogus »

b0b —

Thank you so much for this forum. You are a true inspiration. My heart hurts and I never knew you beyond a few emails and pleasantries.

Much love.
Last edited by Ethan Fogus on 30 Mar 2023 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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John Wilson
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OMG Devastating news

Post by John Wilson »

RIP Bobby.
You were a fine gentleman who made an immense contribution to our slice of the world.
You will be remembered.
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Bob Womack
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Post by Bob Womack »

From one Bob to another, rest in peace, bOb.

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