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Author Topic:  Davenport Blues, solo arrangement progress
Mike Neer

Post  Posted 25 Feb 2023 10:20 pm    
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After a week in Jamaica, I started arranging this Bix Beiderbecke composition, Davenport Blues. I first heard this on Ry Cooder’s Jazz LP, and that was before I fell under the spell of Bix and all the great music of the 1920s that became such a big part of my life for a while. I was reminded of it again as I heard Kenny Werner’s recording while I sat on the beach with my awareness naturally heightened, ahem. So, I sought out the sheet music and went to work.

I’m using the Jules Ah See C13, but changed to a C6 with the 7th string lowered to A. I never really have any idea when I start working on a tune just how it will lay out in the fretboard. This tune, being in the key of F, is luckily very manageable and I don’t need to transpose it or anything crazy. The key of F gives me choices when it comes to using open strings in spots, and to incorporate some moving bass lines. You can‘t hear them very well on the video, but they are there or at least are supposed to be.

I’ve managed to get about 60% of the tune at least temporarily arranged. Things will evolve almost daily. But one of the things I am doing now is using a lot of mental cues to help me really memorize and prepare for specific moves or changes I might have to make. I have been reading about how classical pianists approach learning and memorizing and I’m just trying to be 100% present in the tune. I don’t mean to say that I will be playing the song the same way every time, but really knowing where you are in the music gives a better foundation for ad libing, and that’s what my goal is. I play this tune probably 2-3 hours every day, sometimes two measure will take 4 hours alone to blend in with the rest. At least it keeps me off the streets.

So, these videos are really like progress reports for myself, but I sometimes getting excited about it and want share. I’ve been a bit isolated musically for a while and it gets kind of lonely. I’ll try to update every once in a while until I feel I’ve gotten a solid full arrangement. Maybe something interesting will happen or maybe I’ll hit a dead end. I really don’t know. Here I tried to play it up to tempo and I barreled through a new section and crashed. What you don’t hear at the end is a huge sigh, probably because I think I was holding my breath the whole time.
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 26 Feb 2023 5:38 pm    
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always enjoy seeing your attempts and your completions and all in between. sounds great.
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Lloyd Graves


New York, USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2023 10:02 am    
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I love it. Looking forward to hearing the composted version.

Coincidentally, I finally got through your transcription if Sol's version of Singing the Blues, another Bix tune. I'm not comfortable enough with it to play with other folks yet, but it's getting there. Wish you had done more of those high bass A transcriptions.

Those 20s and 30s swing tunes are so great.
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Rich Arnold


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2023 4:57 pm    
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There's a lot going on there Mike. Your attention to details and refusal to fudge things is great to listen to. Solid work and worth taking the extra time to get stuff right. It matters.
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