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Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 6:55 pm    
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Sometime last week, I threw up an ambitious bid (but one I didn't think would win without supplementation) on ebay auction # 130046325774 (just closed as I write this on the evening of 11/16)--a nice bunch of instruction books, etc. I figured it might hold up a while, it gets the auction on My eBay...and let's see where things go.

The bid was made before miniature dachshund Madison did something to his back Saturday, requiring surgery at a cost of more than any current new D-10, except perhaps a Promat.

By Sunday, I was praying that all my eBay bids would get blown out of the water (all but one, for a $9 item, did, I'm pleased to report.)

The big one, though, was the psg instruction material and up until inside of one minute, I was holding that ticking bomb. At about :43, I heaved a sigh as the price sailed $1 above my high bid (meaning someone outbid me by that much or more). Then one more bid came through and the winning total sailed from the a buck over mine (high $70s) to $101.01. The guy (sorry if you're reading this) who'd outbid me had bid $100.99 and the winner bid only two cents more--hence, $101.01.

That's one auction where being third was better than being second or first.
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Russ Tkac

Post  Posted 16 Nov 2006 7:13 pm    
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I'm glad you had good luck on the auction. I've been glad many times when I've been out bid.

I also know about dogs and backs as I went through this with my 1-1/2 year old Beagle a few years ago. We paid the big bill and dog and owner are doing well. I hope you and your dog get through this OK and Yes, I too could have bought most any new D10 steel but I'd still sound the same ... Benny is on the left.

[This message was edited by Russ Tkac on 16 November 2006 at 07:28 PM.]

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