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Author Topic:  Archive of Re-Entrant Tunings
Allan Revich

Victoria, BC
Post  Posted 26 Feb 2022 11:54 am    
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I thought it would be nice to collect as many reentrant tunings as I could in a single post. I’ll come back and edit to add ones that are missed. I'd especially like to collect more of the "old timey" tunings.

Old Timey

Herb Remington - f# d# F# Bb E G# C# E
Joaquin Murphey - b C# E G A C E G
Reece Anderson - D F A C E G A C E G B D (string 2 BELOW string 5, string one below string 4)
"European" - g C# E A C# E (A7 - from John Ely's pages)
Marty Rifkin - c A C# E F# A C# E. (strings 6 & 8 are same gauge)
Leon McAuliffe - d G# D# F F# A C E
Paul Bigsby – f♯ c a E G♯ B C♯ E (C♯ minor – A6th Inverted)
Paul Bigsby – f♯ e♭ B D E G♯ B E (E9)
Paul Bigsby – f♯ e♭ F♯ B♭ E G♯ C♯ E (F♯13)
Paul Bigsby – f♯ d B D E G♯ C♯ E (E13)
Alvino Rey – g C♯ E A C♯ E (A7)
Alvino Rey – b♭ C E G C E (C7)


C13 – b♭ C E G A C E G & b♭ C E G A C E
G/C7 - b♭ C E G B D G
D/Dm - f D A D F♯ A D & f A D F♯ A D
D6 - b D A D F♯ A D
Bm7/A7 - A C♯ E g B D F♯ A
G6 - e G B D G B D & e G D G B D or e G B G B D
G7 - f G B D G B D & f G D G B D
G9 - g G B D F A D
G13 - f G D E G B D
Earnest Bovine - f♯ A C# E G A c e B D

NOTES: "Old Timey" tunings are tunings used by lap steel masters of past. "Modern" tunings can be any reentrant tuning that is used by any contemporary lap steel player.

Hopefully this thread will serve a dual purpose; as a historical record, and as a resource for experimenters.
Current Tunings:
6 String | G6 – e G D G B D
7 String | G6 – e G B D G B D
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